  • 學位論文


Improve Performance of Telecommunication Billing System by Call Graph Partitioning

指導教授 : 劉邦鋒


在這篇論文中,我們為一個分散式且基於 NoSQL 資料庫的批價系統開發一套資料分散策略。我們先定義一個名為通話圖分割的最佳化問題,這個問題的目標在於平衡傳輸成本並提高資料本地性。我們證明這是一個 NP-complete 的問題,並設計一個貪婪演算法來解決這個問題。然後我們把通話圖分割技術應用於一個分散式且基於 NoSQL 資料庫的批價系統。我們藉由平衡機器間的傳輸並提高資料本地性來改善系統效能。


In this thesis, we develop a data distribution policy for a distributed NoSQLbased billing system. We define an optimization problem which is call graph partitioning problem. The objective of the problem is to balance communication while enhancing data locality. We prove that the problem is NP-complete and design a greedy algorithm to partition a call graph. Then we apply the call graph partitioning technique to a distributed NoSQL-based billing system. We improve system performance by balancing communication across servers and enhancing data locality.


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