  • 學位論文


The Influence of Sunflower Movement on PRC’s Policy towards Taiwan: Analysis and Implications

指導教授 : 陳明通


習近平自 2012 年11 月15 日就任中共中央委員會總書記,及於2013 年3 月「全國人民代表大會」及「中國人民政治協商會議」完成權力全面交替後,正式成為中共第五代領導人,也象徵習近平時代來臨。因習近平過去長年於福建工作,並曾主管港澳事務,可謂中共歷代領導人中,對臺灣事務相當熟稔之人物,鑒於近年來不論是釣魚臺問題、東海及南海爭議,及美、「中」在東亞地區之權力較勁,皆使得臺灣周邊情勢更為險峻,而中共對臺政策攸關兩岸關係走向,更為複雜詭譎之東亞情勢帶來多變因素。 2014 年3 月18 日發生太陽花學運,不僅對當時兩岸關係投下巨大變數,更影響中共對臺工作內涵,外界亦高度矚目習近平採取何種回應態度。本文係採比較研究方式,分析習近平自2012 年11 月掌權後,在太陽花學運前期之對臺政策重點,並緊接著闡述太陽花學運之過程,及學運後中共對臺政策是否產生改變,藉以釐清當前習近平對臺思維及手段。 觀諸 2014 至2015 年間,臺灣內部不僅發生太陽花學運,也於2014 年底進行「9 合1」選舉,及於2015 年11 月進行兩岸領導人首次會面等重大事件,接續於2016 年1 月舉行總統大選,相關事件都將影響中共對臺政策變化。 本文研究範圍將從 2012 年11 月至2015 年12 月31 日,整段期間約3 年時間,資料蒐集對象以習近平公開談話、中共國臺辦新聞稿、學術期刊及專書論著等為主,資料來源主要為公開資料。 本文主要研究發現,對中共而言,即是確立「九二共識」之存在;另方面習近平於2014年提出之「中國夢」,主軸是民族主義與群眾路線,並外延至對外關係,利用「中國夢」連結「一中框架」,促使兩岸最終必須處理「九二共識」與「一中框架」關係,也必須對此議題進行政治對話,簡而言之,「一中框架」、「九二共識」皆是中共未來對臺政策之重點。


太陽花學運 習近平


“Student Movement” and “Social Movement” are the terms that will almost certainly get on China’s nerves, as the notorious student movement, the Tiananmen Square protests left China a bad name. Since the beginning of Sunflower Movement, “Anti-China” sentiment intensifies the relation between Taiwan and China. Needless to say that Taiwan’s government should not have overlooked the strong will of people in Taiwan; hence, the outcome of CSSTA took a turn because of Sunflower Movement in that very year. As far as cross-strait relation is concerned, it is important to know that 1.what implications and enlightenment did Sunflower Movement deliver? 2.Did Sunflower Movement affect PRC’s policy towards Taiwan? And 3.How did PRC government see the effect of Sunflower Movement? The author presents related theories, Decision Theory, System Theory, and Dialectical Functionalism, which are used for similar political events in light of the research problem in this paper. A series of events of Sunflower Movement are also outlined in this paper along with a comprehensive analysis on PRC’s policy towards Taiwan in four aspects, political, social, cultural and military. It is to hope that the analysis of these retrospective events that happened before and after Sunflower Movement will capture a possible direction of PRC’s policy towards Taiwan in the future.


Sunflower Movement Xi-Jing Ping


Glaser, Bonnie and Billingsley, Brittany,(2011). “ Taiwan’s 2012 Presidential Elections and Cross-Strait Relations. http://csis.org/files/publication/111114_Glaser_Taiwan2012_WEB.pdf
