  • 學位論文


Introducing the BOPT Model for Post-Typhoon Industry Reconstruction: Taking Yongling Organic Farm as an Example

指導教授 : 陳柏翰
共同指導教授 : 陳振川(Jenn-Chuan Chern)


2009年8月8號,莫拉克颱風重創台灣,政府與民間立即投入救災,行政院於災後7天成立重建會,迅速投入重建工作。由於官方資源往往無法針對個別需求,民間企業的資金使用相對靈活,因此在重建過程中,行政院重建會選了幾個重災處當示範點,結合民間資源極力搶救,並在產業重建上引入一套全球首創的模式-BOPT(Build-Operate-Profit-Transfer)於災後重建工作,此模式不同於以往企業僅有的捐款、蓋橋鋪路,而是企業建設(Build)產業重建區域,並導入技術與企業營運模式至營運(Operate)中,待有獲利(Profit)時再移轉(Transfer)回當地居民或在地NGO,扶植在地產業發展並提供就業機會。   本研究以永齡社會福利慈善基金會成立的「永齡杉林有機農業園區」為例,透過重建個案的深入訪談,分析比較並彙整經驗,以紮根理論的質性研究為主,輔以量化研究之統計分析驗證,探討在政府結合民間企業投入產業重建的案例中,哪些因素會影響BOPT模式的成效,並建構一個理論模型,以應用在未來乃至各國的災後產業重建工作。   本研究利用紮根理論從所有訪談中整理出BOPT模式的13項核心範疇,以此作為量化驗證的基礎,透過相關分析、路徑分析等方式得知,多數樣本認為在談論BOPT的成效時,農場照顧住民的功能遠重要於農場獲利的情形。而當中又以此模式對區域的影響、教育訓練、提供工作、經營團隊與獲利管道五項變數對BOPT的成效有顯著的影響。因此BOPT模式應優先著重發揮於照顧住民的角色,包含教育訓練、提供生計上的幫助,再去追求BOPT中的營運上的Profit獲利目標,例如政策、尋求多元獲利管道等。


After Typhoon Morakot badly struck Taiwan on 8 August, 2009, the Taiwanese government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) immediately kicked off post-disaster rescue and reconstruction, and introduced the BOPT (Build-Operate-Profit-Transfer) model to bring in support from the private sector. Under BOPT, NGOs from the private sector would introduce the business and operation models to the reconstruction area. Once the business operation is profitable and sustainable, the business will be transferred to the local residents or the local NGO to foster the local business development and offer job opportunities in the long run.  Since government resources often cannot be utilized as flexibly as private ones, the involvement of private sector and NGOs is crucial in post-disaster reconstruction. To expedite the reconstruction process, the Morakot Post-Disaster Reconstruction Council of Taiwan had worked closely with the private sector in the reconstruction of several badly damaged villages.  In this study, the “Yonglin Shanlin Organic Farm” built by the Yonglin Charity Foundation is presented to show how the BOPT model was successfully implemented in this case through the collaboration of the Taiwanese government and the private sector. It is hoped that a proper procedure for BOPT could be developed for future post-disaster reconstruction in Taiwan and beyond.  This study sorted out 13 central categaries of BOPT model from interview by Gounded Theory, and took the theoretical model as a basis of quantitative verification. Through correlation analysis and path analysis, most people considered that taking care of victims is more important than achieving profit when talking about the effect of BOPT model. Among these variables, there are five variables are significant to the effect of BOPT model, which are the influence to neighborhood, education training, providing jobs, management team, and the profit-making way. Therefore, compared to seek the target of operating profit, taking care of victims is a top priority in BOPT model, including education training and helping their livings.


Carroll, A. B.(1979). A Three-Dimensional Conceptual Model of Corporate Performance, Academy of Management Review, 4, 497-505.
