  • 學位論文


A Discussion on the Becoming of the“citizen” and the Development of“Citizenship”in West

指導教授 : 邱榮舉


近代憲政民主國家,其「公民」與國家、社會與互為表裡,已經內化成為整個國家社會體制中的重要部分;所以,假如我們要成功地轉化成為現代國家,就必須培養相對應的「公民」。 由於「公民」源於西方,連結到古代的希臘、羅馬、中世紀的自由城市以及近代國家;而相對的「公民質性」也幾經演變。假如我們要建立新的傳統,除了尋求傳統資源以為創造性轉化之基礎外,必須對西方相關的概念、理論與實踐,有基礎的了解,然後「知而後行」。 因此,本文首先回到西方歷史傳統,去釐清古希臘的polites、古羅馬的civis、中世紀自由城市興起以後的bourgeois(citizen),以及近代國家形成以後的Staatsbürger等西方「人之存在與實踐模式」的概念、涵義、德性,以理解渠等在西方的形成、演變與實踐等,以作為日後進一步尋找相應於我們社會理想的「公民」與「公民質性」概念,以及建立本土公民學之基礎。


公民 市民 資產階級 國家性市民 民主 共和 自由


In a modern democratic country with a constitutional government, the concepts of “citizen,” country, and society both integrate a very important aspect in the country’s institution framework and complement each other.; therefore, if we want transform ourselves into a modern country successfully, we must strive to nurture our own “citizens” that are apt to such kind of society. The concept of “citizen” comes from the western society. It is linked to ancient Greek, Roman, and medieval bourgeoisie of liberal city. Consequently, the concept of “citizenship” also developed complexity.If we are to establish our own new civil tradition, we must be aware of western concepts and theories as well as our own tradition. in order to inheritance also contains a “creative transformation”, and then put into practice. Therefore, this study first distinguishes the concepts of “polites,” “civis,” “bourgeois,” and “citizen” “Staatsbürger”,from western history, and also discusses the two different kinds of “citizenship” and contemporary meaning. This study intends to understand western concepts and their development, as well as their practice,in order to seek for the concept that matches our society’s ideal “citizen” and “citizenship,” thus establish the basis of local civics.


polites civis bourgeois isonomia res publica liberty Staatsb&uuml rger


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