  • 學位論文


Habitat use and preference of Ring-necked Pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) -A case from Siang-lan, Taitung

指導教授 : 袁孝維


本研究於2012年4月至2013年3月於台東縣香蘭村,進行台灣環頸雉於農作地景下的活動範圍與棲地偏好之研究。本人利用無線電追蹤1隻環頸雉公鳥,採行MCP(minimum convex polygon)法與kernel法計算活動範圍面積,並利用compositional analysis分析環頸雉對棲地類型的偏好次序。在活動範圍方面,環頸雉全年95%MCP活動面積為20公頃,95%kernel法活動面積為29.19公頃,活動範圍中心落於次生林內,各季活動範圍面積無顯著差異。棲地偏好順序依次為次生林、草生地、農作地、道路系統。研究結果顯示的棲地偏好可能因為次生林與草生地棲地提供環頸雉遮蔽的功能,適合躲避天敵干擾,其中草生地為環頸雉築巢棲地,也是環頸雉偏好的夜棲地點。在經營管理建議上以保留次生林與草生地棲地為主要目標,並且增加廊道連接次生林與草生地棲地。


Formosan Ring-necked Pheasant(Phasianus colchicus formosanus) is an endangered subspecies in Taiwan.I studied home range and babitat preference of Ring-necked Pheasant in agricultural landscape which obtain rare woodland and grassland.I used radiotelemetry to monitor the MCP and kernel home range from 1 male Ring-necked Pheasant in Siang-lan, Taitung city from April 2012 to March 2013. Home range area was 20 ha from 95%MCP and 29.19 ha from 95% kernel. Home range center was located in woodland . home range size by season are not difference.Sort of the habitat preference of Ring-necked Pheasant is woodland, grassland, farming area, road and artificial building. Woodland and grassland are highly important for Pheasants beacause Woodlands and grassland could be the breeding habitat and roosting habitat.For management stretegies, we suggested preserved woodland and grassland and developed ecological corridors by restore woodland and grassland to connect fragmented habitat.


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