  • 學位論文


If University of Washington Quality of Life Questionnaire Reflects Head and Neck Cancer Patients’ Social Function?

指導教授 : 賴裕和


頭頸癌在台灣為常見的癌症之一,但在治療後相對有好的存活率。然而因其疾病及治療特性,頭頸癌病人面臨身心功能障礙及其後續的社會功能影響。為了評估頭頸癌病患社會功能,一個簡易、適切且多面性的評估工具是被需要的。華盛頓生活品質量表(University of Washington Quality of Life Questionnaire)是一個廣泛被使用,具有良好信效度且容易填答的頭頸癌病人生活品質問卷。故此研究目的為測試華盛頓生活品質量表,除了反應病患生活品質外,是否也可反應其社會功能情形(涵蓋人際互動、日常生活功能及工作狀態)。本研究於民國103 年9 月至104 年12 月,共取得200名個案資料。採用結構式問卷進行資料收集,研究工具包括:基本屬性問卷、癌症及治療相關特質、世界衛生組織障礙評估手冊社會功能相關子量表、華盛頓生活品質量表。研究結果顯示(1)華盛頓生活品質量表與世界衛生組織障礙評估手冊三個社會功能子項目皆呈現高相關,顯示可反應頭頸癌病人社會功能情形;在華盛頓生活品質量表子項目中,以休閒娛樂、活動、心情、吞嚥及講話為社會功能障礙的前五項高相關因子(r= 0.73, 0.70, 0.56, 0.49, 0.47);(2)社會功能中,以社會參與方面的障礙最為顯著;(3)在人口學特性影響其社會功能方面發現,教育程度低、無工作及依賴他人照顧的病人,較易有社會功能障礙;根據本研究結果,建議臨床醫護人員可使用簡易之華盛頓生活品質量表來評估臨床頭頸癌病患社會功能情形,減少病患治療後心理社會適應之問題並增加臨床醫護人員評估的全面性。


Head and neck cancer (HNC) is one of the major cancers in Taiwan with relatively good survival time after treatments. However, due to disease and treatments in head and neck areas, HNC patients might suffer more symptoms from physical and psychological dysfunction, and further influence their social function. In order to assess HNC patients’ social function, an easily applied multifunction assessment tool would be needed. The University of Washington Quality of Life Questionnaire (UWQOL) is a widely used, psychometrically valid and easily answered HNC specific QOL questionnaire. We aim to examine if the UWQOL can possibly reflect not only HNC patients’ QOL but also their social function, including interpersonal interaction, daily life function and occupation. The study was conducted from September 2014 to December 2015, the eligible 200 patients were enrolled and assessed by the structured questionnaires including the form of basic demography and disease information, World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHO DAS 2.0)–Social Function, University of Washington Quality of Life Questionnaire (UWQOL). The results showed that (1) the UWQOL can reflect HNC patients’ social function proved by the high correlation to 3 parts of social function (interpersonal interaction, daily life function and occupation) of WHO DAS 2.0. The individual UWQOL items to reflect potential social dysfunction including recreation, activity, mood, swallowing and speech, with moderate to high correlation to WHO-DAS 2.0 -social function scale (r= 0.73, 0.70, 0.56, 0.49, 0.47, respectively). (2) The social involvement was the most disable item in social function. (3) The patients with low education, unemployment or dependent care tended to suffer social dysfunction. According to this study, it is suggesting that UW-QoL is an easily tool to assess HNC patients’ social function, and it can be widely use in clinical health care workers to improve patients’ psychological and social coping after treatments.


Katz, M. R., Irish, J. C., Devins, G. M., Rodin, G. M., & Gullane, P. J. (2003). Psychosocial adjustment in head and neck cancer: the impact of disfigurement, gender and social support. Head Neck, 25(2), 103-112. doi: 10.1002/hed.10174
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行政院衛生福利部 (2015,6月17日)•101年十大死因統計,2015年7月取自 http://www.mohw.gov.tw/cht/DOS/Statistic.aspx?f_list_no=312&fod_list_no=5487
