  • 學位論文


Advertising Effects of Congruity among Native Advertising, Product Type and Experiencing Mind-Set

指導教授 : 練乃華


近幾年,強調「視覺整合、不干擾閱聽歷程且提供具價值性內容」的原生廣告引起熱烈討論,並在數位行銷領域被廣泛運用。本研究旨在探討廣告元素間,包括廣告設計型式、廣告產品屬性與廣告媒介的瀏覽心態,三者間配適程度的高低對廣告效果的影響。本研究以2(廣告設計型式:原生廣告、非原生廣告)X 2(廣告產品屬性:功能型、享樂型)X 2(廣告媒介的瀏覽心態:審慎型、體驗型)的實驗設計進行假設檢定,八種情況下依變數間的配適程度可分為高度一致、中度一致與低度一致三組。 研究結果顯示,當當廣告整體配適度處於中度一致時,會有最佳的廣告態度與購買意願,廣告回憶效果與產品態度則無顯著影響。 而廣告設計型式與頁面型式相容度高低(即為廣告設計型式屬於原生廣告或非原生廣告)則對廣告效果有以下影響:原生廣告普遍具有較佳的廣告訴求回憶效果、產品態度及廣告態度,在產品類型與品牌名稱的回憶效果則無顯著影響;相較於享樂型產品,搭配原生廣告的功能型產品明顯導致較強烈之購買意願;對於處於審慎型心態的消費者,原生廣告確實能導致較佳之廣告回憶效果,而非原生廣告對產品類型與廣告訴求的回憶效果則不會受廣告媒介的瀏覽心態有顯著差異,品牌名稱的回憶效果則是審慎型心態優於體驗型心態。


Native advertising, which is a form of advertising that matches and blends in with the medium it appears on and offer valuable information, is getting a ton of attention and expected to be the trend of the digital media communications. This present study was designed to demonstrate how the congruity among the type of advertisement design, the product attribute and the experiencing mind-set could affect the advertising effectiveness. This study conducted a 2(native advertising vs. non-native advertising) x 2(utilitarian product vs. hedonic product) x 2(deliberative mind-set vs. hedonic mind-set) experiment to test hypothesis. The 8 experiment conditions constitute 3 different groups on the degree of congruity: high congruity, moderate congruity and low congruity. The results showed that moderate congruity led to more favorable attitude toward advertisements and purchase intention. Native advertising, which matches the form and function of the platform upon which it appears, led to higher levels of recall toward advertising appeals and attitude toward both product and advertisements. Native advertising also led to better purchase intention for utilitarian product. Furthermore, native advertising led to greater advertising recall when consumers are under deliberative mind-sets than hedonic mind-sets, while non-native advertising has no significant influence on the advertising recall toward product type and advertising appeals neither under deliberative mind-sets nor hedonic mind-sets.


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