  • 學位論文


The Healthy Salad Café Business Plan in Thailand

指導教授 : 郭佳瑋


摘要 食物在我們人類生活當中不可或缺. 由於現代人非常重視自己的健康, 希望 自己能活得長命百壽, 使得這是一個可以打入健康食品市場的創業機會, 如健康沙拉專賣店. 本商業計劃書創業計划內容為位於泰國的健康沙拉專賣店. 健康沙拉專賣店的主要出售食物為有機沙拉及冷壓果汁, 並採取新鮮且沒有化學成分食材. 本商業計劃書之內容包括企業之簡介與背景. 為了分析該企業與市場之情 況, 本文首先採取波特五力分析模型以及SWOT 分析模型進行研究. 下一個章節將敘述市場調查的結果, 藉由網路問券調查的方式, 來了解市場上客戶對於沙拉的看法與偏好. 接著將探討商業計畫中行銷活動的部分, 此部分包含目標市場的界定,企業的定位以及最佳的市場營銷組合. 此外, 計劃書的內容提供財政計划, 資本預算與財務續效, 該部分之目的為讓投資者了解該企業何時能獲利.


Abstract Food is one of the four requisites in human life. Currently, the trend of eating healthy food is increasing, especially the food from nature. Many people care more about their health and they want to live longer. This is an opportunity for the health food business like the salad café to enter into the market. This business plan details the startup healthy salad café located in Bangkok department store, Thailand. The café will serve the organic salad and the cold pressed juice to the customer. All entire ingredients are fresh and don’t have the chemical. This business plan will be structured into the introduction and background of the enterprise, including business model canvas and the interests of the business. The five forces model framework and SWOT analysis have been applied to analyze the company and market environment. Next part is the marketing research which is the result of an online questionnaire to see study the market opinion. Next is marketing plan which includes target market, positioning, and marketing mix. This business plan also explains the detail of the financial capital plan and financial feasibility in order to tell the investor when “The Farm” café will begin providing the profit. Finally, business expansion strategy is the last part in order to maximize company profit and have a sustainable growth in the market.


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