  • 學位論文


Diversification Strategy of the Traditional Metal Casting Industry—Using CMP Group as a Case Study

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


勤美公司於1972年以翻砂、鑄模、生產鑄鐵件作為本業起家,當初資本額僅100萬。在45年的經營歷程,勤美公司透過多角化經營不斷成長,如今已成為在台灣和香港上市的跨國際業,員工超過4500人、資本額38.5億、總資產近400億、年營業額達180億。除鑄造本業外,勤美公司的業務已擴展至鋼鐵材料事業、不動產事業、飯店事業及商場休閒事業等五大事業體。本研究藉由Ansoff Matrix分析勤美公司多角化的過程,說明多角化經營的成功關鍵因素和對於公司的影響,期望透過這樣的分析可以辨識出勤美公司未來方向和永續經營的策略。研究結果顯示,勤美公司選擇多角化標的時著重於市場趨勢和公司資源,管理者對於市場有敏銳度、對於本身資源充分掌握,且公司文化重視專業,也勇於嘗試新事業發展,都是勤美公司多角化經營的關鍵成功因素。


Founded in 1972, CMP Group started out as a metal casting company with one millon in capital. In 45 years of operations, CMP Group has expanded through diversification, and is now an international firm that has gone public in both Taiwan and Hong Kong; CMP currently has 4500 employees, 3.85 billion in capital, 40 billion in assets, and achieves annual sales of 18 billion. CMP's diversification now extends to the metal materials, real estate, hotels, and tourism and recreation industries. In this study, we used the Ansoff Matrix to analyze CMP's diversification process in order to identify key success factors and determine the impact of diversification on company operations. Our study shows that a focus on market trends and internal resources, sensitivity to market changes, clear knowledge of internal resources and capabilities, corporate culture that is respecting of professional expertise, and a willingness to face new challenges are all key success factors of CMP's diversification strategy.


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