  • 學位論文


Analysis of Customer Purchasing Behavior: An Example of Ready-to-Drink Consumption

指導教授 : 任立中


台灣包裝飲品市場商機廣大,加上零售通路商競爭激烈,不論是零售通路商或者是製造商都希望能夠從激烈競爭中脫穎而出,而資料庫行銷的發展行之有年,零售通路商、製造商可以從利用許多方式建構資料庫,從不同的面向去思考資料庫對其之意義以及可以應用的方式。 本研究以顧客活躍性指標為模型,利用2009至2010兩年間某超級市場資料庫,探討特定品項——包裝飲品的購買交易紀錄,透過交易庫資料同時建構購買卡路里以及購買咖啡因資料,去了解消費者購買行為,以此作為基礎進一步提供行銷策略發展之建議。


The Ready-to-Drink market in Taiwan is too competitive for one company to stand out. Adding to the diversity of the retail channel is the fact that the drink manufacturers want to outperform each other in such a competitive market. The development of database marketing has been implemented over decades, there are many ways how retailer and manufacturer can construct their own database and use different ways to apply databases to the marketing field. This study uses the customer activity index as a model to evaluate the database from a supermarket from 2009 to 2010. The research focuses on the “Ready-to-Drink” category including tea, spirits, juice etc. The research wants to understand the customer purchasing behaviour and develop a marketing strategy for the retail channels and manufacturers by constructing the calories and caffeine data, adding it to the original database and analyzing it altogether.


Customer activity index Database Marketing CRM


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