  • 學位論文


Applications of Comparable Corpora in Promotional Translations

指導教授 : 高照明


本研究旨在探討可比語料庫於行銷宣傳文件翻譯之簡易應用方式。現今大量翻譯需求皆來自跨國公司。跨國品牌產品銷售各國,經常需將手冊、軟體、行銷素材等產品相關資訊翻譯成市場在地語言。手冊、軟體因為用語固定、較有所本而可得助於機器翻譯;至於行銷素材往往含有較高創意成分和譯者創作空間,譯者常需天馬行空、絞盡腦汁以達到此類譯案的高創意要求。一般認為,語料庫與機器翻譯較適合協助用語固定、重複性高的技術文件,對於行銷素材的翻譯助益有限。然而,鑑於語料庫與機器翻譯的長足發展,作者認為電腦輔助工具應也可協助行銷素材的翻譯。 此研究提出一套利用可比語料庫的簡單方式,譯者不需自行撰寫程式,只需使用現有免費開源軟體,就能在有限資源和時間下建置可比語料庫以享用TM翻譯記憶庫、詞彙庫等翻譯輔助資源。此方法包括以搜尋引擎最佳化工具選出關鍵字,利用關鍵字作為網路語料自動蒐集程式的搜尋種子。待語料庫蒐集完成後,經過初步處理即進行機器翻譯,最後將語料庫與機器翻譯之結果經過相似度比對而得翻譯輔助資源。 本研究以一電競主機板宣傳網頁之翻譯為主例,輔以食品、化妝品廣告翻譯,證明此方法之可行性。實驗結果顯示,以電競主機板為題的小型語料庫可於約二十分鐘內建置完成,提供1,135組字彙翻譯配對以及翻譯記憶。翻譯記憶與約30% 原文相似,其中15.9% 與原文之間的相似度高於95%。


This study aims to explore a technically simple method to leverage comparable corpora in promotional translations. Nowadays considerable demand of translation is driven by multinational corporations’ need of localization of manuals, software and advertising contents. Compared to technical documents, promotional texts especially require more creativity, which more too often makes promotional translation a difficult work. Arduous such a task may be, yet translators have scarce resources to count on as computational resources are generally believed to be merely supportive for technical documents with fixed expressions. Nevertheless, this study upholds that computational resources are also helpful for promotional translations and the requirements for translators' programming knowledge can be low. In the designed methodology, comparable corpora are built with various open source software (OSS) from the texts available online. The basic steps are as follows: (1) Identify keywords in a source text with search engine optimization analyzers. (2) Collect corpora from the web with the identified keywords used as search seeds. (3) Submit the corpora to a machine translation (MT) system. (4) By mapping the collected corpora and the MT, comparable corpora are created. The proposed methodology is proven to be feasible for promotional translations of different product categories, such as IT products, food and cosmetics. In the case of a promotional webpage of a branded gaming motherboard, this method created 1,135 translation pairs of terms and effective translation memory (TM) references within 20 minutes for about 30% of the texts, 15.9% of which are highly-similar matches. Starting with a source text, this method allows translators to acquire a TM and a term base as translation aids within reasonable time and efforts.


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