  • 學位論文


The study to applying " Enhance our Heritage " in Wazihwei Nature Reserve

指導教授 : 盧道杰


本研究旨在以挖子尾自然保留區為個案,探討增進我們的襲產 (Enhancing our Heritage,EoH) 在臺灣的適用性。除挖子尾自然保留區外,也與無尾港水鳥保護區及陽明山國家公園磺嘴山生態保護區所進行的EoH評量結果進行比較。更與同樣個案於2010年採用保護區經營管理快速評估與優先設定法 (Rapid Assessment and prioritization of protected area management,RAPPAM ) 及2016年的管理效能追蹤工具 (Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool,METT) 的操作方法與內容做比較,以瞭解實際操作EoH評量時的真實狀況。成果發現EoH評量在臺灣的應用大致可分為兩個功能;一為檢視保護區經營管理成效;二為做為檢討保護區資訊缺口與協助建立監測機制的工具。EoH細緻的操作過程與評量結果,可以讓經營管理者全面瞭解保護區的現況及經營管理成效,並依據評量結果的建議決定經營管理動作的優先順序。雖說花費的成本比國外個案低,但EoH的操作步驟及方法仍較RAPPAM及METT繁雜。因此或可依據EoH方法學原先設定,每三到五年進行一次。期間,則可使用RAPPAM或METT來追蹤保護區經營管理成效。若保護區的資訊豐度不足以滿足EoH評量的需求,則可用其來檢視保護區的資訊缺口,對保護區現有監測機制進行通盤檢討,再依據檢討結果規劃相關計畫及建立補強的監測機制。


This study aims to explore the feasibility of Enhancing our Heritage (EoH), an evaluation method of protected area management effectiveness, in Taiwan, by the case of the Wazihwei Nature Reserve. It also analyzes the evaluation results by EoH of the Wuweikang Waterfowl Wildlife Refuge in 2015 and the Mt. Huangzuei Ecological Conservation Area of the Yangmingshan National Park. Further, it likes to understand comprehensively the operation of EoH and tries to discuss its difficulties in order to identify the role and feasibility of EoH in Taiwan by comparing to those of RAPPAM in 2010 and METT in 2016. The results show that there could be divided into two functions for EoH in Taiwan, one is to evaluate the management effectiveness of protected areas, the other is as a tool for identifying information gaps in protected areas and assisting in establishing monitoring mechanisms. The delicate processes and comprehensive contents of EoH allow the managers being able to clearly understand the status and management effectiveness of the targeted protected areas, which could contribute to decisions relevant to resource distribution and management priorities. Although it seems cheaper for this study than foreign cases , the procedures and operation of EoH are still more complicated than ones of RAPPAM and METT. Therefore, this study suggests that it could be able to implement EoH once every three to five years and apply RAPPAM or METT to track the effectiveness of protected area management in the interval. EoH is also good at identifying information gaps of targeted protected areas, which is crucial to examine existing planning and to build up complementary monitoring schemes.


盧道杰、王牧寧、闕河嘉。(2008)。無尾港水鳥保護區經營管理效能評估-RAPPAM的引進與適用。地理學報 54: 51-78。
陳佑瑄。(2012)。臺灣保護區經營管理效能評量 (RAPPAM) 之後設評量研究,國立臺灣大學森林環境暨資源學系碩士論文。
