  • 學位論文


Real-Time Multiple-Instrument Tracking Technique for AR Cataract Surgery Simulation

指導教授 : 歐陽明


我們提供一套專門應用在擴增實境白內障手術模擬上的即時眼科手 術器械追蹤系統。這套系統可以追蹤常用於白內障手術的幾種器械, Spatular、Chopper 還有 Forceps。此外也可以同時追蹤多隻器械不互相 干擾。為了要能真實呈現手術時候視覺和手感,我們設計了一套獨有 的硬體架構配上演算法。這套系統包含兩台相機,經過我們深入了解 手術過程後,將兩台相機放置在特殊的位置使有最好的追蹤效果。我 們使用電腦視覺演算法,使得手術者在操作這系統時可以握住真實的 手術器械並自由操作不受限制。這套系統的解析度足以追蹤手術時的 精細動作。為了要呈現這套系統的能力,我們也開發了數個手術模擬 練習來呈現這套系統的能力。


A real-time three-dimension eye surgery instruments tracking system is proposed for use with an Argumented Reality cataract surgery training system. Designed for cataract surgery, the system can track some of the main instruments, spatula, chopper, and forceps, and can track multiple instruments simultaneously. To simulate the real surgery in both visual and handling experience, we designed a new hardware structure and software algorithm. The system consists of two infrared cameras placed at the special position to track the position and orientation of the instruments. With computer vision based method, surgeons can move the instrument without any limitation. The system can perform high-resolution tracking and can detect all the delicate movement of surgeons. We design training tasks according to real cataract surgery process to demonstrate the potential of our system.


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