  • 學位論文


Combining AR/VR and Real-Time Image Recognition for Engineering Applications – Taking Steel Bridge Rust Recognition for Example

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


近年來,擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)與虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)的技術逐漸成熟,市面上越來越多商業化的相關設備,例如:Microsoft HoloLens (AR)與HTC Vive (VR)。此類頭戴式顯示器(Head-Mounted Display, HMD) 能提供使用者良好的沉浸式體驗,使數位資訊有機會以更符合資料視覺化效益的方式呈現。 由於台灣的氣候普遍濕熱,鋼結構鏽蝕成為一種常見的現象。因此本研究決定以「輔助鋼橋樑鏽蝕檢測」為目標,結合即時影像辨識(Real-Time Image Recognition)與AR/VR開發一套示範系統,包含創新的鏽蝕辨識演算法及容易擴充的虛擬框架,作為探討以上技術導入土木領域的案例。


Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR) is becoming further mature in recent years; there is a lot of commercialized equipment in the market, such as Microsoft HoloLens (AR), HTC Vive (VR) and so on. This kind of Head-Mounted Display (HMD) could provide user a very good immersive experience, and make it more possible to display the digital information in a better data visualizing way. Because the weather in Taiwan is usually hot and wet, steel getting rust is a common phenomenon. Thus, this research decided to choose “Helping Rust Inspection of Steel Bridge” as target; combined Real-Time Image Recognition with AR/VR to develop a demo system, which contains a new algorithm for rust recognition & an easy-edit virtual frame; as an example to discuss the influence when those technologies mentioned above are brought into Civil Engineering.


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