  • 學位論文


Impact Analysis of Industrial 4.0 and TPS on Triple Bottom Line of Sustainability

指導教授 : 陳家麟


製造業是否轉型工業4.0是近年備受討論的議題,而對於轉型工業4.0的評估,普遍著重在知識技術與設備的升級、週邊設施的建置、以及足夠的資金投注,在組織文化、管理協調上的著墨較少。且觀察目前在台灣,多以科技製造業較領先轉型,但許多其他的一般製造業,可能數位化或自動化都尚未達成。因此,本研究期許能探討目前台灣一般製造業在轉型工業4.0的進程以及對其組織的適配性,研究對象從台灣目前少數公開宣稱轉型工業4.0的一般製造業中,挑選兩間企業,主要採用個案研究及半結構式訪談法,比較各自的工業4.0進程,並使用被奉為製造業圭臬的豐田生產方式(TPS)評估其文化與組織管理的方式,最後再利用三重底線的架構,比較與分析永續發展的能力。 在個案訪談的比較分析後,本研究發現兩間個案公司轉型工業4.0的執行徹底與否,與領導者的支持與推動、以及其創造出的企業文化,有更大的關聯,因此得出結論如下: 一、 除了技術面、資金面,還需兼顧執行面、組織面、文化面等不同面向,如:決策者的承諾與決心(Commitment)、決策者的領導以及組織能力(Leadership and Organization)、長遠的策略目標(Strategy) 二、 管理階層必須了解轉型工業4.0對製造業的衝擊,並且不能僅看短期績效,必須視為長期的投資計畫 三、 成立跨部門專門小組,從不同部門挑選菁英,協助蒐集各部門資訊、核心團隊傳遞資訊給各部門,讓新的流程觀念能融入企業文化之中 四、 了解「工業4.0」是製造流程的改革,是協助人的生產效率提升的技術與工具,但並非取代人力,才能創造組織共同學習的文化


工業4.0 個案分析 TPS 三重底線


Whether manufacturers adopt Industrial 4.0 or not is a highly-discussed topic in recent years, but the general focuses about transferring to Industrial 4.0 are knowledge, technology, equipment upgrade, peripheral infrastructure establishment, as well as abundant investment; there has been a lack of discussion about company organization, culture, management. We observe now in Taiwan, players in traditional industries are slower in taking new concepts of manufacturing when compared with high-tech manufacturers. Therefore, the research is to find 2 companies in traditional industries who have announced transferring to Industrial 4.0, and then compare their adaptabilities and status of Industrial 4.0, degree of Toyota Production System, and analyze their performance under the concept of Triple Bottom Line. Through case study, interview and comparison, it shows that besides technology knowledge and sufficient capital, leader’s commitments, prospects, and resolutions are more influential. Hence, the main research findings are as following: 1. Aside from technology and capital, leaders’ commitments and long-term strategies are also essential to execution, organization, and company culture in transformation. 2. Management level should understand the impact of Industrial 4.0, and pursue long-term rather than short-term performance. 3. Establishing specific working group for transformation of Industrial 4.0 is essential, and they must be cross-functional teams. 4. Adopting Industrial 4.0 should also follow the spirit of TPS; it should help improve the efficiency of manufacturing instead of replacing people in the workforce.


Industrial 4.0 Case Study TPS Triple Bottom Line


2. A企業2015年企業社會責任報告書
1. Amy L. Bergenwall, Chialin Chen, Richard E. White, 2012, TPS’s Process Design in American Automotive Plants and Its Effects on The Triple Bottom Line and Sustainability
2. Jay Lee, Behrad Bagheri, Hung-An Kao, 2014, A Cyber-Physical Systems architecture for Industry 4.0-based manufacturing systems
4. Mario Hermann, Tobias Pentek, Boris Otto, 2015, Design Principles for Industrie 4.0 Scenarios: A Literature Review
5. Mario Hermann, Tobias Pentek, Boris Otto, 2016, Design Principles for Industrie 4.0 Scenarios
