  • 學位論文


A Study of Introducing Seasonal Outdoor Air to Improve Air Quality in Offices and Economizing Energy Consumed by Air Conditioning

指導教授 : 張陸滿


台灣處於亞熱帶的海島型氣候經年高溫高濕的環境,根據中央氣象局統計台灣經年月平均相對濕度達70~80%RH,尤其梅雨季節期間北部地區濕氣高達80~90%RH,在高濕的環境下,如不除濕將會在居家、辦公室等人員活動頻繁地方滋生發霉的黴菌,塵螨危害人體健康,其他如倉庫、儲藏室等亦容易有霉味產生損壞物品,可見引進外氣同時亦要重視環境濕度的控制。 台灣地區一般空調設計採用的標準都引用美國冷凍空調協會(ASHRAE)標準設計,可說是空調界的聖經,但美國的標準是否適合用於台灣的氣候環境,國人對使用空調溫濕度的適應習慣及法規不同,所以對舒適度的定義感受也很難有一標準,加上實際上室內人員的人數是否符合設計階段假設的條件,都值的我們追蹤探討的議題。 在適當季節與時段引進外氣可以節省空調的運轉時間達到省電節能的目地,尤其是春秋兩季甚至台灣地區冬季,氣候宜人之際,但許多採密閉式外牆(closed building facades)與VRV(Variable Refrigerant Volume)空調系統建物搭配全熱交換器(Full Heat Exchanger),但在氣溫較低的季節裡,室內又無暖氣設備時效益不佳。本案研究欲利用獨立式外氣空調系統DOAS (Dedicated Outdoor Air System)設備引進外氣代替全熱交換器做為室內空調,對室內二氧化碳的濃度的稀釋,改善室內空氣品質提供一比較舒適的工作環境。但在夏季節引進太多外氣卻反造成室溫提高需浪費更多的空調來調節室溫。所以在台灣各區域,要因應各區域的氣候環境,所要引進的外氣量不盡相同。 因此,本研究針對台灣特殊氣候做專題探討,對10月份至隔年4月份,跨越秋、冬、春三季的氣候低溫季節中,運用DOAS設備將適合外氣引進,以降低空調設備運轉的時數又能確保辦公室內人員舒適性。本研究將現有設備的實際運轉情況能耗紀錄和模擬改善設備利用e-QUEST程式做比較分析驗證其節能效益。


Taiwan is a subtropical island-country with high humidity. According to the Central Weather Bureau, the average relative humidity in Taiwan is 70%-80% RH. Furthermore, in the northern region during the rainy seasons, the humidity is as high as 80%-90% RH. Under the high humidity environment, molds and dust mites being harmful to human health will breed in homes, offices and other crowded places. Moreover, other places such as warehouses, storage rooms, etc. being easy to create molds are also prone to damage goods; therefore, it is important to introduce outside air and attach importance to the control of humidity. To directly introduce the outside air in certain seasons could reach the purpose of saving operation time and energy without using air-conditioners, especially in spring, autumn, even winter in Taiwan. However, in the lower temperature season, it is inefficiency that many buildings with closed facades use VRV (Variable Refrigerant Volume) air conditioning system with the full heat exchanger (Lossnay) in the room without heating equipment. In this case, DOAS (Dedicated Outdoor Air System) could be utilized for introducing the outside air instead of turning on heat exchanger as the indoor air conditioner, so that the concentration of carbon dioxide indoors will be diluted and working environment will be more naturally comfortable. On the other hand, introducing too much outdoor air in summer will raise the room temperature and consume more energy to adjust it; therefore, in the various regions of Taiwan, in response to the regional climate and environment, the amount of outdoor air to be introduced will not be the same In Taiwan, air-conditioning design standards are established by ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers), it can be regarded as the Bible of air-conditioning industry. However, there are some doubts on whether the US standard is suitable for Taiwan's climate and environment. One is that definition of comfort is difficult to have a common standard due to different habits and regulations; the other one is that the actual number of indoor staff might be different from assumptive conditions. For these reasons, it is worthwhile to track and research this subject. Based on Taiwan climate characteristic this research was perform. the research focuses on examining whether or not it is suitable to introduce the outdoor air by utilizing DOAS equipment starting from October to April, across the seasons of autumn, winter and spring, to lower the operation time of air-conditioning facilities that still make office staff users feel comfortable. Furthermore, we use the operation records from the currently existing equipment are used to simulate the improved equipment and methods to conduct e-QUEST program to do comparative analysis of the energy efficiency.


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