  • 學位論文


Adaptive and A-star RRT Algorithm Applied in the Navigation and Control of an Unmanned Vehicle

指導教授 : 王立昇


本研究之主旨為設計一包含室外GPS定位與自動避障功能之無人載具導控系統,此系統包括三個部分,主控站、移動站和GPS參考站。主控站負責將移動站接收之障礙物資訊進行解算,計算出一適當路徑並且將路徑資訊經由無線網路傳輸給移動站並且控制無人載具之運動,同時將參考站的GPS定位座標與移動站的定位座標進行差分解算。移動站為一包含電子羅盤、雙眼相機、GPS接收機、馬達控制系統之無人載具,負責將載具偵測到的障礙物資訊,載具姿態等訊息回傳給主控站,並執行控制指令。 在路徑規劃上,本實驗室曾經利用快速隨機探索樹(RRT)進行設計。但為了減少路徑規劃時間,我們將A*演算法的啟發式搜索觀念融入快速隨機探索樹,探索時先考慮車輛行走距離、車輛姿態作為啟發函數的參數,並且設計適應性模式,在障礙物周圍探索時調整RRT的步階長度,依照障礙物方向限制探索樹的生長,降低RRT探索的隨機性。其中,啟發函數的值越小表示到達該點時載具所需付出的代價越小,經由啟發後,使隨機探索樹盡量朝向終點生長並且避開障礙物,減少不必要的探索以節省路徑規劃時間。 在無人載具控制部分,障礙物資訊由雙眼相機左右鏡頭之視差與像素判斷障礙物與推知障礙物距離,並且搭配Fuzzy-PID控制器控制無人載具之線速度與角速度,搭配電子羅盤數提供之姿態,精確控制無人載具之動態資訊,使之不偏離規劃路徑。 實驗結果顯示,適應性與啟發式RRT在非迷宮環境確實可以探索較少的節點,達到節省運算時間之效果,並且搭配上述GPS、雙眼相機與控制器系統,可確實探索環境並且使無人載具順利控制到終點。


The main purpose of this research is to improve the efficiency of RRT (Rapidly-exploring Random Tree) algorithm for path planning of an unmanned vehicle, which can be used in outdoor navigation control and obstacle avoidance. In recent years, RRT has been wildly used in path planning. Along with path-smoothing method, RRT can generate proper path for the motion of a vehicle. In order to reduce the operational time of RRT algorithm, the concepts of A*-algorithm was used to modify the RRT algorithm. In the A*-algorithm, the smaller the heuristic function is, the smaller the cost for reaching the end point is. Furthermore, an adaptive design for the different edge length is introduced to balance search efficiency and obstacle avoidance. An unmanned vehicle with GPS receiver, stereo camera and electronic compass was used to justify our algorithm. From the experimental results, the adjustment for RRT algorithm, which is termed AASRRT, is shown to be beneficial for effective and proper path planning to reach the destination with obstacles being avoided.


RRT A-star unmanned vehicle navigation adaptive RRT


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