  • 學位論文

何以「氣」之不顧— 探析高雄從空污管制到氣味治理的路徑轉向

How could we smell odors but leave them in the lurch? — Exploring the turning route from Air Pollution Governance to Odor Governance in Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 畢恆達


近十年來,空氣品質嚴重敗壞與跨域空污議題受到全球關注。本研究即在此情勢下,藉由高雄近年各項以氣味為名的爭議事件,檢視目前社會大眾與治理階層的應對與論述,進而思考氣味在城市治理中的處境。 本文先梳整氣味在城市中的文明進程,再由高雄鮮明的產業定位與之造就的環境體質切入研究聚焦田野,進一步討論晚近都市擴張後,民眾與都會生活型態密不可分的現狀。文脈深入工業重鎮與都市住商混雜區這兩個性質不同但相互影響的場域,運用「治理」的概念,剖析城市政權如何疏通與整合各類型知識、技術,以處理當前高雄的各項氣味問題,並從中研析時勢與環境變遷對氣味治理產 生的影響。 文中將高雄的氣味治理爭議分為兩大類型:首先是工業定調的空氣污染遺毒,另外則是市民對日常生活氣味感受判定不一產生的各項爭議。本研究指出國家早年規劃賦予高雄的空間意義,與今日城市治理者、市民對高雄的發展需求、城市願景有嚴重衝突。受困於氣味爭議的市民期待氣味治理保障個人權益、彰顯環境 品質,時事熱議雖影響大眾對氣味關注的消長與敏感度,並促使官方回應氣味治 理的態度較往常積極,但目前高雄的氣味治理與其相關的立法精神多著重於「空 氣污染防治」與「危害健康」等論述,對日常生活中的氣味政治少有研商。 市民的氣味意識養成與爭議類型變遷,正在城市中形塑新的氣味問題結構與氣味地景。目前氣味治理的處境可歸因於早年政權多著重於威脅健康的空污管制,不足以應對目前城市在污染與健康兩者拉鋸之外面臨的問題結構,也就是市民對日常生活氣味感受與品質求索的歧見。於是,此治理取向與今日市民所處的氣味困境和發展需求遂形成分歧而產生衝突。本文也在不同氣味類型事件的爭議焦點與主體身上,嗅見高雄的氣味治理正由過往的空污管制,逐步摸索至日常氣味治理的路徑。 當治理者追逐市民的氣味爭議,一路修補缺失與回應民意時,既有措施與挪用自過往防範空氣污染的治理思維,似正有意無意地將高雄推向一座「無味城市」。文末期望各方面正力求轉型的高雄,能將關注與資源的觸角,伸進更細緻、邊緣 的層面,拓寬氣味治理在城市的彈性與豐富性。


高雄 空污 爭議 氣味治理 氣味地景


In the modern age, odor is not only a natural basis of a city, but also a natural reflection of society. The smell of a city reflects its social operations. In addition, air serves as a mega circulatory system for various activities held in the city and signifies the city’s ever-changing social preferences and values. Accordingly, air is frequently used as an indicator of civilization and influences people’s memories of their city. Over the past decade, air quality heavily polluted and cross-domain air pollution issues have attracted extensive attention worldwide. Based on this situation, I reviewed through different kinds of controversial issues related with ‘Odor’ in order to examine people’s coping strategies and discourses, and to explore the situation of odors in the city governance. Firstly, the thesis examines the civilization process of city’s odors with a focus on Kaohsiung’s industrial orientation and its environmental characters. Further, the thesis points out that the lately urban sprawl in Kaohsiung causes the close knit between people and modern urban lifestyle. With the growing intensity of commercial activities in urban areas, the kinds of daily’s odors also increase. As the distinction between residential and commercial land uses becomes blurry, more and more debates between health and quality therefore occur. As a result, the thesis is structured into two main broad sections: Heavy Industrial District and Mixed Residential Commercial District. The detailed context is mainly discussing these two spatial types and the odors within it. In order to realize how the controversial causes, and how people and governors deal with various odor’s problems, I invoke Governmentality theory into the discourses and analysis to figure out the way people negotiate with urban odor’s issues, and how social and environmental changing influence odor’s governance. The cases study shows that odor’s governance faced with plenty of complexities nowadays, and indicates that the controversial debates are not simply based on industrial air pollution, but also due to differences of odors cognition. With the growing numbers of daily’s odor’s controversy appeared in Kaohsiung, we can tell that the existing laws, techniques, tools even knowledge are no longer capable to handle with emerging odor’s problems. As we have seen, the rising of citizens’ sense of smell and the changing of odors’ issue are forming a new problem structure and urban smellscape. In summary, this thesis recommends that city governors should not over-simplify odor’s complexity and context. As a member of our beloved city, maybe the whole society should put more concentration on how to plan and build our sensory environment instead of using simple removal or prohibition methods to build a city smellscape.


何明修(2002)〈衝突的制度化?公害糾紛處理法與環境抗爭〉。《教育與社會研究》,3,35- 64。
