  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Case Study on How Running Can Shape Organizational Culture and Influence Organizational Efficacy

指導教授 : 黃崇興 李吉仁


組織文化影響企業的性格、運作方式、決策思維、與用人的標準,也決定了人才在組織內的行為準則,終致企業本身和員工都擁有的特定的組織風格。過去雖有不少針對組織文化與績效影響的研究,但少有討論透過「運動」形塑組織文化,繼而形成組織共識並影響組織效能,本論文期能透過探索性的研究方法,對此一議題提出觀察。 針對此一議題,本論文首先由組織文化的定義、功能、創造與維護進行文獻整理,並探討團隊與團體的差別、團隊的類型與效能,以及組織文化對組織效能之影響。在此文獻基礎上,本研究選取一家專事都市更新的建設公司為個案,透過與領導人及核心組織成員的深度訪談,從而歸納運動對組織風氣的形塑、強勢組織文化的形成過程,以及這些對於提升組織效能之間的關係。 本研究發現,組織領導人因其親身的經驗,帶動組織推廣跑步,有效地推動全公司規律的練跑風氣。在推動跑步的過程中,採取跨部門、7-8個人一組的「家族」運作模式,一起鍛鍊跑力,有效地使慢跑成為該公司的「全民運動」。在組織風氣的形塑過程中,運動形成了組織成員「勇於挑戰、分享熱情、追求健康」的共同心智模式與核心價值,更塑造了強勢的組織文化。跑馬拉松的精神也與從事都市更新事業需要長期抗戰、挑戰自我的精神完全結合,而最終成為該公司在產業中的品牌特色,並有效提升其經營績效。


Organizational culture influences the characters, operations, recruiting standards and ways of decision making of an organization. In short, organizational culture shapes members’ behavior and eventually leads to organizational style. While many previous studies focus on the relationships between organizational culture and its effectiveness, little research effort has been made on exploring how running activities can be an useful approach to shaping organizational culture and in turn leading differential organizational performance. To tackle this research issue, the present thesis starts with an extensive literature review concerning organizational culture, formation of organizational behavior and its influence on organizational outcomes. With these understandings, we select a construction company specializing in urban renewal projects as the focal case for our research exploration. After reviewing the founding history and industry situation, we conducted in-depth interviews with the founding leaders and core members, with which we are able to inductively conclude some insights for our research inquiries. Our study shows that based on personal life experience, the leader of the company has successfully urged and trained the organizational members to maintain regular running activities and eventually became a strong organizational culture, which entails the spirit of dare to challenge, share the passion, and pursuit the health. Not only running marathon has led to a strong culture but also become an underlying differentiation of the company brand in the industry field. In fact, marathon and urban renewal projects share the same spirit of perseverance and self-challenging. The patience and grit trained by running will strongly influence the organizational behavior and efficacy of the company. Implications of this research and suggestions for future research are also discussed.


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