  • 學位論文


The Dynamics Between World Hunger and Food Production: The System and the Proposed Interventions

指導教授 : 陳家麟


摘要 為了消除世界飢餓並保障持續成長中的世界人口的糧食安全,了解飢餓與食物生產之間的關係非常重要。本研究利用系統圖分析飢餓與食物生產間的關係,並針對為改善系統所提倡的干預政策,提供優先順序的建議。研究發現,飢餓與食物生產間的關係是一個由多項相互關聯的變數所構成的複雜系統,而非一連串的線性關係。本研究將消除世界飢餓拆解成一個兩步驟的目標。第一步是消除現有的世界飢餓狀態,第二步是保障正在持續成長中的世界人口的糧食安全。為了達到目標,已提倡的干預政策須根據他們所影響的系統內的變數而排定優先順序。利害關係人之間的合作是成功實現干預政策的關鍵因素,所以需要在執行干預政策前,先進行能增進利害關係人之間的溝通與相互信任的活動。雖然改善飢餓與食物生產系統的干預方針已被提出,但系統內最具破壞性的兩大障礙其根本原因卻源自系統外,所以為了確保世界糧食安全的永續性,須立即採取行動以消 除障礙的根本來源。


ABSTRACT To eliminate global hunger and ensure food security for a growing world population, it is important to understanding the relationship between hunger and food production. This dissertation mapped out the system of hunger and food production and provided recommendations on how to prioritize the interventions proposed to improve the current system. A comprehensive system map was constructed and the proposed interventions were prioritized based on their intended goals. The relationship between hunger and food production was found to be a system of interrelated variables rather than a series of linear connections, and interventions that can improve the system were identified. The study further broke down the goal of ending world hunger into a two-step objective. The first step to ending hunger is to eliminate the present situation of world hunger, and the second step is to ensure food security for the growing global population. In order to reach the goal, the proposed interventions needed to be prioritized based on the variables they affect in the system. Multi-stakeholder cooperation is critical to the success of proposed interventions, so methods to increase stakeholder trust and communication need to be planned prior to the implementation of the interventions. Although interventions to improve the hunger and food production system have been identified, the two most destructive barriers to the system have root causes that lie outside the system. Actions to eradicate these underlying causes must be carried out immediately to ensure the sustainability of the improvements towards global food security.


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