  • 學位論文


Sustainable Decision Analysis of Contaminated Sediment Remediation: A Case Study in Nankan River, Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 闕蓓德


隨著工業化快速發展等人為活動因素,含重金屬、有機污染物的工業廢水進入自然水體,使得河川底泥遭受污染,並構成水生生物及人體健康之威脅。對於底泥污染管理方法,國內目前管理機制尚未健全,而國外過去多以人類與生態風險評估的單一方法來選擇管理方案,但其僅處理特定化學物質或壓力源相關的風險,較不具全面性,因此本研究建立一套考量綠色及永續導向型整治的底泥污染管理架構,藉由兼顧環境、社會及經濟之評估面向,以供決策者全面性與整合性的管理策略。 此架構以人體健康風險評估為基礎,結合多準則決策分析、生命週期評估與經濟效益評估之分析方法,並將其應用於南崁溪底泥污染場址,協助評比合適的底泥污染管理方案,亦作為未來相關污染場址評估之參考。案例分析的結果顯示,南崁溪主流河段的污染底泥對當地孩童族群有不可接受之致癌風險,並以龜山橋之採樣點位最為顯著;進入經濟效益評估流程,整體底泥污染場址進行整治之淨現值在保守估計下大於零,代表具有整治可行性。本研究依據污染場址之人體健康風險評估結果,將龜山橋至舊路大橋之河段列為優先整治區域,並以多準則決策分析比較疏浚結合土壤清洗處理及現地覆蓋無煙煤活性碳兩個整治方案之整體優先順序。 環境層面之生命週期評估結果顯示,現地覆蓋無煙煤活性碳方案的總環境衝擊為38.48 kPt,明顯大於疏浚結合土壤清洗處理方案 (21.40 kPt);經濟層面之成本效益分析結果則顯示,疏浚結合土壤清洗處理方案的成本為135佰萬元,大於現地覆蓋無煙煤活性碳方案 (33.5佰萬元);而社會層面之人體健康風險評估結果顯示採用現地覆蓋無煙煤活性碳方案於整治後的致癌風險較小,且有相對較高的民眾接受度。綜合上述各項準則的評估,經層級分析法結果顯示現地覆蓋無煙煤活性碳方案較為合適。


Contaminated sediment may pose threats to ecosystems and human health. However, sediment remediation almost requires high cost and time-consuming process. The decision-making process of contaminated sediment remediation has been concerned. Single assessment for sediment remediation might be insufficient. Therefore, combining different analytical approaches was highly recommended. The objective of this study is to develop a comprehensive assessment framework with the concept of green and sustainable remediation which involves environmental, economic, and social aspects for the management of contaminated sediment. This study proposed the framework that comprised a three-stage analysis, beginning with human health risk assessment (HHRA) of the contaminated site, preliminary cost-benefit analysis (CBA), and ended with multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). MCDA was combined with life cycle assessment (LCA) for environmental aspect, CBA for economic aspect, then HHRA and public acceptance for social aspect to implement integrated and sustainable strategies for sediment management. The framework was applied to select the best sediment management alternative for the heavy metals contaminated sediment in Nankan River. The results of HHRA before remediation indicated an unacceptable cancer risk to the children, whose mean cancer risk in all the sampling sites was 1.29E-06 through pathways of ingestion and dermal contact. The results of preliminary-CBA showed that the net present value of remediation project was 1.59 billion TWD, which indicated the economic feasibility. For the sustainability assessment of sediment remediation, the results of MCDA revealed that in situ capping anthracite activated carbon (AC) strategy had relatively low cost and human health risk after remediation, and high environmental impact and public acceptance when compared to the method of dredging and soil washing. In this case study, in situ capping anthracite AC was identified as the preferable remediation alternative with comprehensive aspects. The proposed framework enables decision makers to choose the integrated management for sediment-contaminated site.


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