  • 學位論文


Design of Spatial Guidance on the Wrist using Vibrotactile Feedback

指導教授 : 陳炳宇


由於複雜的環境因素,人的視覺或是聽覺通道在接收訊息時,可能會因此超載或是無法傳遞資訊。但是透過觸覺回饋的方式,我們可以在複雜的環境因素下,以不同於視覺和聽覺的方式進行資訊傳遞。使用觸覺回饋的方式進行空間引導時,可以以不顯眼且直觀的方式傳遞方向資訊,將使用者引導至目標位置。在此論文中,我們設計了一個由兩圈震動手環構成的裝置,利用相對稀疏的8顆震動馬達,實現三維空間中26種方向的空間引導,並設計了實驗來探討兩個手環之間的有效距離(4、 6或8公分),以及在傳遞震動圖騰時的震動方式(單點刺激或動態回饋)。實驗中總共有36名參與者參與其中。結果顯示,在4公分及6公分時,兩種震動方式在統計上有顯著差異。在下一階段,我們結合了視覺及震動回饋的方式,來加速整體空間引導的過程。我們使用同步燈光閃爍及震動回饋的方式,使用者可以藉此訊息找到對應的目標位置。在此次實驗中,我們探討了兩次同步的回饋機制之間,使用者可以分辨出目標位置的最小時間差。實驗中我們使用心理學裡最小可覺差的實驗方式,在三種不同的視覺條件下(近距離、遠距離以及認知負荷)進行實驗。此實驗總共有12位受試者參與,實驗結果在論文中探討。


Due to the environmental factors, humans' visual or acoustical channels may be overloaded or inaccessible for the conveyance of information. Haptic feedback, however, can convey the information through an alternative to visual and acoustical feedback in the complex environmental situation with an unobtrusive and intuitive way. In this thesis, we design a device of two vibrotactile wristbands, which can achieve high-resolution spatial guidance using sparse vibrators, and report a controlled lab experiment to investigate the effective distance (4, 6, or 8cm) and the direction feedback (point stimulus or motion feedback). Thirty-six participants are involved in the experiment. The results show that there are statistically significant differences between two direction feedbacks in the distance of 4cm and 6cm. According to these results, using motion feedback in 4cm and 6cm may be more suitable when receiving directional vibration patterns on the wrist compared with only point stimulus. In the next step, we design a crossmodal guidance system using visual and tactile perception to facilitate the process of haptic guidance. As the vibration synchronized with the lighting pulse, users can search for the target location according to the crossmodal cues. In this experiment, we investigate the least temporal difference, which users can determine by the concurred wrist vibration, between two lighting pulses. A just-noticeable difference (JND) study is conducted in three different conditions of lighting pulses (Near, Far, and Cognitive load condition). The results of JND study are reported in the thesis.


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