  • 學位論文


Marketing with storytelling:A case study on the micro movie series “House of Little Moment” by Uni-Noodle

指導教授 : 陸洛


由於科技的發達與進步,讓許多資訊可以在網際網路間流通,廠商也會將品牌、產品資訊包裝成光鮮亮麗的廣告企圖引起消費者的注意,但是消費者因為生活忙碌,所以大多數的廣告訊息都會被忽略,只會選擇性注意與自己相關或感興趣的內容。在現今資訊傳播發達又競爭的世代,要如何在短時間內就抓住消費者的目光,是身為行銷人每天需面臨的難題與挑戰。 因此,本研究的目的在於探討曾經紅於一時、在國內外榮獲無數廣告獎的「小時光麵館」做為創新內容行銷的參考案例,瞭解小時光麵館系列微電影的創作構想以及行銷溝通策略,進一步分析其一舉成名的關鍵因素。為了要獲得更多微電影執行的詳細資訊,本研究透過半結構式訪談的方式獲得第一手資料,更是上網搜尋許多報章雜誌等的二手資料,分析速食麵產業的現況以及統一麵企圖轉型、改變品牌形象的原因。 小時光麵館之所以能在第一時間抓住消費者的眼球在於故事腳本具有原創性且共鳴度高,不同於以往理性廣告訴求,改走感性行銷,用情感和消費者做溝通,不只征服消費者的胃,更贏取人心。再者,運用多元媒體的操作發散話題、增加曝光度,甚至加入線下體驗的過程,搭建實體快閃店提供創意料理品嚐等等的活動,讓話題持續延燒,達到顯著的口碑效益。 總結來說,本研究想藉由個案探討的方式完整呈現一個行銷企劃案的執行,從產業分析先帶出統一麵轉型的迫切性,再敘述行銷企劃案的目標、實際執行過程以及最後的成效檢討,甚至運用內容傳播7S理論、消費者心理模式AISAS法則以及溝通說服理論分析行銷操作手法,希望透過分析架構與結果的呈現,作為未來各企業主發展和執行行銷企劃案的參考。


Due to the advances and well-developed of technology, lots of information can be found on the Internet. When launching new products or promoting the brand, many companies attempt to draw consumers’ attention by publishing more attractive ads. However, most of the ads will be ignored because consumers are too busy to notice. They only care about something interesting or self-related information. Therefore, how to catch consumers’ eyes in a short time is a big challenge for every marketers. The case study in this research is a very well-known micro movie series“House of Little Moment” which gains lots of awards in many advertising competitions. This research focuses on exploring more related information like story ideas, story design, marketing communication strategies and key success factors. The main reason why “House of Little Moment” can grab viewers’ attention at the first moment is the original stories that struck a chord with many viewers. Communicating with emotional way rather than rational way truly win consumers’ hearts. Further, operating diversified medias help to spread the words and increase exposure. Last but not least, implementing offline experiential activities such as physical pop-up noodle shop offering creative cuisine really makes a buzz. To sum up, this case study research presents a whole marketing proposal. First of all, do industrial analysis to bring up the urgency of transformation by Uni-Noodle. And then, describe marketing goals and implementing processes. Finally, track and review marketing effectiveness. This research will be a reference for any enterprises, which would like to develop and conduct marketing proposal in the future.


