  • 學位論文


Analysis of Representative Landscape Elements in the Natural Leisure Fields and its Psychophysiological Benefits to Viewers

指導教授 : 張俊彥


先前文獻指出接觸自然環境能恢復心理疲勞(Kaplan & Kaplan, 1989)與舒緩生理緊張(Ulrich et al., 1991),自然休閒場域能提供民眾生心理疲勞與壓力恢復之契機。然而,過去研究多比較自然與都市景觀的差異,鮮少針對自然環境中,不同的景觀元素或特徵進行討論(Velarde et al., 2007)。臺灣擁有豐富多樣的自然景觀類型,能提供良好的視覺景觀體驗,若能針對臺灣自然休閒場域中的景觀元素或特徵進行探討,所得結果有利於提升自然休閒場域景觀的價值。故本研究於國內自然休閒場域中,現地記錄觀賞者觀賞時的生心理反應,並探討其中景觀類型與景觀元素的不同,是否具有不同的生、心理恢復效益與主觀體驗感受。本實驗於4處自然休閒場域(實驗組)與1處都市場域(對照組),共5處場域進行。以注意力恢復力、偏好、情緒體驗為心理量測指標;肌電值(EMG)、腦波(EEG)與心跳速率(HR)為生理量測指標,共收集165位有效樣本。 結果顯示,自然景觀比起都市景觀,觀賞者的心理感受較佳,且在腦波反應中表現較高的左前額葉α波,呈現較放鬆的狀態。在比較有、無水景景觀時,當場域有水景景觀時,觀賞者呈現較低的偏好與情緒體驗等心理感受,此結果與過去研究結果牴觸。進一步以人工程度檢視有水景景觀的差異,顯示「人工程度較低的水景與植栽景觀」提供觀賞者較佳的心理感受;然而,前額肌肉有較緊繃的反應。此外,以植栽開闊程度檢視無水景景觀的差異,結果顯示當植栽景觀較為開闊時,相較於較為封閉的景觀,前額肌肉緊張程度變化量較低,顯示觀賞「開闊植栽景觀」時,受測者感受到較少的壓力刺激。期望本研究結果可供未來自然休閒場域規劃設計之參考,並提升自然休閒場域景觀之生心理效益之價值,增進民眾從事戶外休閒活動的動力。


Previous research has indicated that exposure to nature can restore psychological attention-fatigue (Kaplan & Kaplan, 1989) and relieve physiological stress (Ulrich et al., 1991). Natural leisure fields can provide a range of opportunities for psychophysiological benefits. Empirical evidence has supported the restorative potential of the natural environment compared to urban environment; however, there is a gap in research to address different landscape elements or features in a natural landscape scene. The exclusive geographical condition of Taiwan created a wide variety of natural environments and landscape types, which provide a great visual experience and improve psychophysiological benefits. Due to the lack of empirical evidence that provides psychophysiological benefits with different landscape elements and features of Taiwan's natural leisure field, it is challenging to enhance the value of natural leisure field landscape in Taiwan. This study was conducted in several natural leisure fields in Taiwan by recording the psychological and physiological responses while participants were viewing the landscape on-site in order to explore the restorative benefits and individual experience of participants. The study has collected 165 participants on-site in 5 landscape categories. Four of them represented the natural landscape as an experimental group and the other one represented urban landscape as a control group. Psychological responses were measured by perceived restorativeness scale, preference, and emotional experience with the questionnaire. Physiological responses were recorded by electromyography(EMG), electroencephalography (EEG), and heart rate(HR) with the biofeedback machine. The results showed that natural landscape (experimental group) provided a higher evaluation than the urban landscape (control group) regarding attention restorativeness, preference, and emotional experience. As well as psychological responses, alpha wave from the left frontal lobe which is higher in the brain wave response presented a relaxed state. Second, when comparing the difference between the natural landscape groups with waterscape and no waterscape, participants presented psychological feelings such as lower preference and emotional experience. This result was inconsistent with past research results. In addition, we examined the different degree of the man-made waterscape between the natural landscape with waterscape. The result shows the “lower man-made waterscape landscape” provides better psychological responses; however, the forehead EMG value shows a higher response. Finally, we examined the different degree of openness which formed by the plantings between the natural landscape without waterscape. The result showed that the “enclosed planting landscape" compared to the “open planting landscape” provided the lower amount of forehead muscle tension which indicated that “open planting landscape” might cause a lower amount of stimuli on participants’ physiological responses. It is expected that the results of this study can be used as a reference for the planning and design of natural leisure field in the future, and promote the value of the psychological benefits of natural leisure field landscapes and enhance the motivation of people to engage in outdoor leisure activities.


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