  • 學位論文


From Nothing to Something Big: A Case Study for Business Development of LihPao Resort

指導教授 : 謝冠雄
共同指導教授 : 曹承礎(Shen-Cho Chou)


麗寶樂園度假區於2017年底跨年晚會創造了10萬人次的入園人潮,成為台灣最受歡迎、最知名的遊樂區,然自1996年政府規劃該園區成為全臺最大之度假娛樂園區以來,麗寶樂園歷經破產、重整、易主、多角化經營等階段,前後經歷將近20年,終於在麗寶集團接手努力下,達成了政府當初規劃的目標-成為全臺最大且具世界水平的綜合娛樂園區。 麗寶樂園的前身(月眉育樂世界),由台中規模最大的公司長億集團於1996年參與BOT投標並取得經營權, 然而,因為長億集團腐敗的公司文化、上下對立的領導模式,以及投機高槓桿的財務操作,使得其在開始營運五年內,即因積欠銀行團超過新台幣一百三十億,宣布破產。 麗寶集團於2006年接手麗寶樂園之後,逐步展開其多樣化經營發展計畫,從興建五星級福容飯店、增加密室脫逃遊樂設施,至2017年新增麗寶Outlet Mall,天空之城摩天輪及麗寶賽車場等園區項目,不僅為麗寶樂園度假區帶來大量觀光、商務人潮,同時也大大提升了度假區的年營收。由於麗寶建設集團成功的周轉策略,麗寶度假樂園目前已變身為台灣最成功的休閒度假綜合區,正如當初政府擘劃的BOT藍圖一般。 藉由文獻分析、問卷調查及深度訪談,發現,麗寶集團在接手此度假區之後所採取的周轉策略、利用集團中相關事業體的技術知識,加上極具向心力的集團文化與由下而上的領導方針,成功地將麗寶樂園轉型成為台灣遊樂產業的龍頭。


LihPao Resort started with a vision that the government planned to build up a large amusement complex to compete with the world and to encourage the tourism and service industries in Taiwan, went terribly bankruptcy for corrupted management. Within less than twenty years, LihPao Resort has turned out to be the biggest and national-known resort, with two theme parks, one five-star hotel, an outlet mall, the biggest Ferris wheel in Taiwan, and a racing park with world-graded racing tracks. What has LihPao done to bring the dead back to life? What are the challenges and strategies it faced and applied to the case? In this study, the author uses both quantitative survey and qualitative, in-depth interview, to collect data and further investigate how LihPao Group is able to reinvigorate the livelihood of the Resort. By looking at the turnaround strategies, the synergies generated from the horizontal and vertical integration among the entities within the LihPao Group, along with the leadership and cooperative culture that is deeply rooted in this Resort, this case study aims to provides insights as to the managerial strategies in the hospitality and tourism industry.


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