  • 學位論文


Exploring on Traumatic Experience and Recovery Process of Female Victims of Sexual Harassment

指導教授 : 吳慧菁


性騷擾事件是特殊的社會問題,且絕大多數受害者是女性,所造成的創傷也相當持久。本研究以質性研究中的深入訪談法,以立意取樣的方式,收集遭遇過熟人性騷擾的被害女性經驗,探討事件發生的背景、女性當時的感受、想法等,以及女性在遭遇性騷擾後的轉變,例如對生活、學業、工作等影響,自己的行為、認知、價值觀產生哪些改變,以及後續的創傷或困境。並探討加、被害人關係,以及被害者的因應方式,對於創傷和復原程度的影響。此外,本研究也探討環境資源以及女性本身的優勢特質,對其復原程度的影響。 研究發現,性騷擾造成的創傷,會影響女性的自我價值感、對男性和婚姻的看法,也會產生許多負面的情緒。女性是否明確的拒絕加害者會影響其創傷與復原程度。在環境資源方面,正面的社會支持有助於復原,他人的譴責會加重創傷程度。助人專業是女性抒發負面情緒的重要出口。女性的自我效能、社會優勢、正向特質如勇氣、樂觀、努力有利其復原。在經過創傷後,女性也會因此增加人際智慧,產生改變或突破自己,看見事件的正面意義,是為「創傷後成長」。因此,本研究結論為:性騷擾的加、被害人的關係,會影響女性的創傷和復原程度。除了女性獨特的個人優勢是影響復原的有利因素外,環境中正式與非正式的支持系統,在復原過程中也扮演很重要的角色。


Sexual harassment is a special social problem, and the vast majority of victims are Female, and the trauma caused is quite lasting. The research uses the in-depth interview method in qualitative research to collect the experience of victims of sexual harassment by acquaintances, to explore the background of the incident, the feelings and thoughts of women at the time, and the transition of women after sexual harassment such as the impact on life, school, work, etc., changes in their behavior, cognition, and values, and subsequent trauma or difficulty. It also explores the relationship between the assailant and the victim, and how the victim responds to the assailant relevant to the extent of trauma and recovery. In addition, the research also explores the impact of environmental resources and women's own strengths on their extent of recovery. The researcher found that the trauma caused by sexual harassment affects women's sense of self-worth, perceptions of men and marriage, and also produces many negative emotions. Whether women explicitly reject the assailant will affect the extent of trauma and recovery. In terms of environmental resources, positive social support contributes to recovery, and the condemnation of others increases the seriousness of trauma. Helping profession is the important outlet for women to express their negative emotions. Women's self-efficacy, social strengths, positive traits such as courage, optimism, and effort are beneficial to their recovery. After trauma, women will also increase their interpersonal wisdom, change or break through themselves, and see the positive meaning of the incident, which is named “Posttraumatic Growth”. The conclusion of the research is that the relationship between the assailant and the victim in the incident affects the extent of trauma and recovery of the female victim. In addition to the unique personal traits of women as a positive factor affecting the recovery process, the formal and informal support system in the environment also plays an important role in the recovery process.


王宣晴(2016年3月16日)。上司威脅裁員 摑打強吻2女職員。聯合報,頁B1。
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