  • 學位論文


Discussion on Consumer Green Consumption Concept and Green Consumption Behavior

指導教授 : 陳瑀屏


近年來,環境汙染問題隨著經濟發展日趨嚴重。生態浩劫與災難促使國人對於自身的健康與環境保護的意識越來越強烈,對於環保產品的接受度也慢慢提高,綠色消費儼然已成為新的生活趨勢。 本研究主旨即為探討消費者對於綠色消費概念、綠色消費行為與綠色產品願付價格,透過問卷調查將受訪者區分為環保人士與一般人士,進一步了解環保人士與一般人士對於綠色消費概念、綠色消費行為與綠色產品願付價格上是否有差異。樣本的蒐集是採用便利抽樣方式進行問卷發放,調查對象為台灣一般消費者,共回收526份有效問卷。數據整理後,使用統計方法t檢定(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、相關性與迴歸分析進行各項假說檢定。 研究結果發現,環保人士在綠色消費概念、綠色消費行為與綠色產品願付價格的構面上表現較一般人士更為積極及正向。在人口統計變數上,性別、年紀與婚姻狀況對於綠色消費概念皆有顯著差異。此外研究也發現綠色消費概念的認知程度會影響其綠色消費行為與綠色產品願付價格,綠色消費行為強度對於產品願付價格的高低也有顯著正向影響。 藉由問卷資料的分析結果,我們可以建議政府或環保單位透過推廣綠色概念促使國人更加關注環保議題。廠商也可鎖定目標客群針對不同人口統計變數的消費者進行差異化綠色行銷,透過與人民攜手的方式共同開創更綠色、健康、永續的未來。 關鍵字: 綠色消費概念、綠色消費行為、綠色產品、綠色消費者、綠色行銷、願付價格


In recent years, environmental pollution has become serious increasingly with economic development. Ecological catastrophe and disasters have made people more aware of their own health and environmental protection. The acceptance of environmentally friendly products is slowly increasing, and green consumption has become a new life trend. The main purpose of this study is to explore consumers' concerns about green consumption concepts, green consumption behaviors and green products. Through surveys, the respondents were divided into environmentalists and the general public to learn more about whether there is any difference between the environmentalists and the general public about the concept of green consumption, green consumption behavior and green products. The sample collection used ‘Convenience Sampling’ method, and the survey was conducted by Taiwanese consumers. A total of 526 valid questionnaires were collected. After the data was sorted, statistical methods t-test, single factor analysis (ANOVA), correlation and regression analysis were used to perform various hypothesis tests. The study found that environmentalists are more positive than the average person in terms of green consumption perception, green consumption behavior and green product willingness to pay prices. In terms of demographic variables, gender, age and marital status are significantly different for the concept of green consumption. In addition, the study also found that the awareness of the concept of green consumption will affect its green consumption behavior and green products willing to pay prices. The degree of green consumer behavior has a significant positive impact on the price of the product willing to pay. Through the analysis of the questionnaire data, we can suggest that the Government or environmental protection units should pay more attention to environmental issues by promoting the green concept. Vendors can also target the customer group to differentiate green marketing for different demographic variables. We can also work together with the people to create a greener, healthier and sustainable future. Keywords: green consumption concept, green consumption behavior, green products, green consumers, green marketing, willing to pay prices


一、 中文部份
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3. 范懿文、方毓賢、蔡明峰(2012),探討綠色產品消費意願:環保標章之調節效果。
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