  • 學位論文


SPS Risk Governance Analysis and Promotion for Agricultural Cross-Border E-Commerce

指導教授 : 周桂田


隨著全球電子商務市場的蓬勃發展,加快農產品跨國移動擴散,也提高入侵外來種與疫病蟲害入侵的速度。回顧歷史,進口包裝材引入的紅火蟻、松材線蟲,對於我國生態系產生嚴重影響;1997年大流行的口蹄疫,重創我國畜牧產業,至今我國仍未脫離疫區的困境;2003年的SARS流行,更造成國人感染與死亡的嚴重事件。因此不周全的貿易與邊境管制措施,對我國生態環境、經濟發展與人類衛生健康都造成嚴重危害與影響。在電子商務流行的今日,消費行為只在你我指尖完成,貨物運送可以透過郵運或快遞寄達,都可能從傳統的邊境管制體系中溜過,並增加風險不確定性。因此,因應農產品跨境電子商務的普及,我們更應嚴格執行風險治理過程,審慎進行風險分析,並透過調適與風險降低等行政作為把關,為謀求人民福祉而努力。 本論文發現風險治理若能搭配人民風險意識能力的建構,並持續透過與利害關係團體進行參與式評估,則可使風險治理效能大大提升,使風險發生機率降到最低。因此,本論文對政策提出四點建議,一、形塑全民風險意識能力,提高風險治理效率;二、建立全方位的風險分析與跨部會合作的風險管理與溝通機制;三、強化法規調和與標準制定參與之國際交流;四、提升以參與式評估強化政府調適機制與風險降低能力。本論文並設計以參與式評估與風險意識建立為推力的風險治理模式,期望為我國農產品跨境電子商務的風險治理指出方向並尋找未來利基。


Along with the overwhelming development of global e-commerce market, the transboundary moving speed of agricultural products and the penetration of invasive alien species (IAS), diseases, parasites, and pests have been accelerated. As we review the history, red fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) and pinewood nematodes (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus), both introduced as the hitchhikers from wooden packaging materials, have seriously impacted the ecosystem of Taiwan. The outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in 1997 has disastrously damaged the husbandry industry of our country and still left us in the plight of epidemic zone. Moreover, the furious outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003 caused infection and death among our people. Therefore, inappropriate control over trade and border policy would bring about hazard and impact on our ecological environment, economic development, and human health. Nowadays, the increasing popularity of e-commerce has changed consumer behavior, so consumers can now accomplish transactions by simply clicking on their keyboards. Furthermore, the transportation of e-commerce, such as postal and express consignment, might avoid the traditional border control system in customs, thus increasing the risk uncertainty. Hence, to adapt to the popularity of agricultural cross border e-commerce, government should strictly implement the process of risk governance, carefully conduct risk analyses, and improve the mechanism of adaptation and of risk reduction. As well, after one government implements the abovementioned operations, it would be able to monitor the risk uncertainty and strive for the welfare of people. In this thesis, the author found that the risk governance efficacy will be tremendously improved and the risk occurrence probability will be significantly decreased by strengthening the capability of public risk awareness, and by continuously operating the participatory assessment with related stakeholders. Therefore, the author would suggest the government to: build the risk awareness capability of people and increase the risk governance efficiency of the authorized agencies; establish a holistic mechanism of risk analysis and of trans-agencies cooperative risk management; enhance international interaction, including regulation harmonization and standard-setting participation; and increase participatory assessment to improve the ability of adaptation and risk reduction. Additionally, this thesis designs a new risk-governance model using the mechanism of participatory assessment and risk awareness as driving forces. By promoting this new model, the author could expect it to point out the direction and find a better future regarding the risk governance of agricultural cross border e-commerce.


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