  • 學位論文

FindyourGod.com 找神宗教設施與信徒之搓合平台商業計劃書

FindyourGod.com-An online platform that bridges believers to the right religious facilities

指導教授 : 謝冠雄
共同指導教授 : 曹承礎(Seng-Cho Chou)




宗教 電子商務 平台 宗教設施 搓合 信徒


We all know that the religion business is profitable. According to Religion & Public Life Project by Pew Research center in 2014, 87.3% of total Taiwan population has at least one religious belief. As the average yearly donation amount per person was 6,044 New Taiwan Dollars (Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, ExecutiveYuan, 2004), the total consumption on religions in Taiwan is over 110 billion a year.However, not every penny spent on religions is worthwhile. In a normal situation, consumers pay for what they get. In religious business, a lot of hypocrites promise to realize people’s wishes and ask for financial or even sexual favors in return without having the power they claim. As a result, we hear religious frauds on the news every once a while. This phenomenon keeps happening because the industry is long-suffering from information asymmetry. Believers don’t have a reliable channel to find facilities that can actually help and facilities have no channels to uncover what they are doing. FindyourGod.com, the business we are going to develop, is undertaken to relieve this pain point. We will provide a platform for both parties to communicate with each other. Believers who don’t know where to look for help can come to find the facilities that most likely to solve their problems. The review system can also drive out hypocrites from the market to prevent further deceptions. Decent facilities, on the other hand, are able to promote themselves and invite more believers to join them by revealing event schedules. In this paper, we will discuss the vision, mission and value proposition of our business plan. Porter’s five forces analysis will be used to examine the entire market condition.The tactics that FindyourGod.com uses to promote the brand will be talked about in the marketing mix. We will also adopt SWOT analysis to study the internal and external environments of the company. The tool allows us to make sure the business plan is viable and enlighten us to move forward. Our structure and personnel plan will be elaborated in chapter 4. Chapter 5 will be financial analysis that we use to determine whether the business plan is financially feasible. We prepare five-year income statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements to validate our business plan. Break-even point will be met when sales reach 7,452,156 New Taiwan Dollars. On the whole, FindyourGod.com is capable of making money in the long run, even though the startup capital we have to finance is a lot more than regular small and medium enterprises. We hope other than the economic benefits, FindyourGod.com can also make some contributions to society. Religions, as part of our culture, are vanishing along with the development of technology. With the birth of the platform, we sincerely look forward to reminding the importance of traditions to our compatriots and broadcasting our cultures and values to the non-Taiwanese foreigners at the same time.


religions e-commerce platform religious facilities matching believers


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