  • 學位論文


Improving Touchscreen Usability by Personalizing Accessibility Settings based on Individual User’s Touchscreen Interaction

指導教授 : 莊裕澤
共同指導教授 : 陳彥仰


現今的觸控螢幕裝置開始在輔助使用中加入了幫助運動障礙患者的客製化設定,例如 iOS 10加入了四個觸控調節設定選項:一、按住持續時間;二、忽略重複項目;三、輕點輔助;四、輕點輔助手勢延遲,一般使用者幾乎不可能在這四個選項所組合出來的百萬種組合中找出屬於自己的最適設定。本研究提供了一個設定推薦系統,透過收集和分析各別使用者的觸控螢幕手勢輸入資料,推薦個人化觸控輔助設定。 本研究發現此此系統所推薦的設定值能夠有效提升運動障礙使用者的手勢輸入成功率,提升幅度達20.2% (N=12, p=0.00054);對於非運動障礙使用者,手勢輸入成功率也能提高1.28% (N=12, p=0.032)。 此外,我們也將本研究所使用的方法實作成應用程式供一般大眾使用,更將成果貢獻給Apple的開放原始碼專案ResearchKit。


Modern touchscreen devices have recently introduced customizable touchscreen settings to improve accessibility for users with motor impairments. For example, iOS 10 introduced the following four Touch Accommodation settings: 1) Hold Duration, 2) Ignore Repeat, 3) Tap Assistance, and 4) Tap Assistance Gesture Delay. These four independent settings lead to a total of 1 million possible configurations, making it impractical to manually determine the optimal settings. We present a system which collects and analyzes touchscreen gestures performed by individual users, and recommends personalized, optimal touchscreen accessibility settings. Results from our user study show that the system significantly improves touch input success rate for users with motor impairments (20.2%, N=12, p=.00054) and for users without motor impairments (1.28%, N=12, p=.032). Furthermore, we implement an application for end users, and contribute to Apple’s open source project, ResearchKit.


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