  • 學位論文


Research on finance application of blockchain technology in agricultural supply chains

指導教授 : 洪一薰




Agricultural financial measures have a key role in building a new and innovative agriculture. Blockchain technology is a mechanism for creating trust. Its features include “decentralized”, “encrypted”, “tamperproof” and “traceable”. The global financial industry has been actively developing related applications in recent years, but there is still a lack of killer applications. Supply chain finance is a breakthrough concept of traditional loans between banks and enterprises. By taking advantage of the information advantages of core enterprises in the supply chain, supply chain finance reduces the information asymmetry between banks and SMEs, enhancing not only the overall the competitiveness of the supply chain, but also the development and innovation of financial institutions, in order to achieve a multi-win situation. The manufacturing industry can be the mirror for agricultural supply chain financial model, which has the opportunity to create a new blue ocean. Through analyzing the research reports in related fields, the researcher designs an agricultural supply chain financial cloud platform to enable financial institutions providing the financing and insurance services under effective risk control while sustaining the development of agriculture.


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