  • 學位論文

「縣市文學」之誕生:台灣 1990 年代以降地方文學的位置與意義

The Birth of “County-City Literature”: On the Position and Meaning of Local Literature in Taiwan from 1990s.

指導教授 : 蘇碩斌


本文探討1990年代台灣各地湧現「地方文學」熱潮的歷史過程及社會意義。此風潮源於中央文化政策補助、帶動各縣市政府文化局處啟動出版機制,繼而開展出縣市作家作品集、地方文學獎、區域文學史編纂等文學業務。然而,何以是1990年代?本文指出,此「地方文學」現象,並非過去文學研究中,指稱質樸的地方風土之書寫;而是在台灣國族認同變遷的新趨勢下,地方政府於文學業務上展開的地位爭奪歷程,故主張應以「縣市文學」來指稱此套機制。 全文由三個部分進行分析:一、縣市文學是國族認同變化的產物:1990年代台灣的文化政策不再依循「中國文化民族主義」,台灣由舊史觀的「地方」角色躍升為「國家」的地位,各縣市因此隨之「升格」成為「地方」,並在中央政策的投注下開展地方文學的建構;二、縣市文學關乎文化正當性(cultural legitimacy)的鬥爭:討論各縣市作為「文學場域」(literary field)競爭地方文學「資本」(capital)的面向,以地方文學獎、區域文學史為主要分析對象,說明各縣市在凸顯自身位置之時,也在與中央及台北進行對抗。三、縣市文學寫作社群與分期剖析:本文指出地方文學寫作社群多由國中小教師組成、寫作類型以散文和兒童文學為主之特性,論證1990至2010年間,台灣縣市文學依中央文化政策與經費形成之歷程,並依時序分成三階段討論其特色。


This thesis explores the historical course and social significance of the surge of "local literatures" that emerged in various places in Taiwan in the 1990s. This wave started with central government cultural policies subsidizing and driving various county and city governments' cultural departments to set the printing presses in motion, and was followed by the development of a literary business that spanned collected works of county and city authors, local literary awards, and compilations of regional literature histories. Yet, why the 1990s? This thesis points out that this phenomenon of "local literatures" did not in the broad sense of past literature research refer to the simple writings about local customs. Instead, as part of new trends of changing Taiwanese identities, there was a process of local governments vying for positions opened up within the literary business. This thesis therefore proposes to refer to these mechanisms as "county-city literature". The analysis in this thesis has three parts. First, county-city literature is the product of changing national identities: Taiwan's cultural policy in the 1990s no longer adhered to "Chinese cultural nationalism", as Taiwan, from its role as "locality" according to old historical views, ascended to the position of "nation". Following this, various counties and cities were thus "upgraded" to "localities", and central government cultural policy efforts furthermore launched the construction of local literatures. Second, county-city literature is about the struggle for cultural legitimacy: using local literary awards and regional literary histories as the main subject of analysis, this thesis discusses how various counties and cities compete for the "capital" of local literatures in the "literary field", to explain that when county-city literature's own position becomes prominent, it is also in resistance to the central government and Taipei. Third, county-city writing communities and an analysis of the stages: this thesis shows the characteristics of county-city literature to be that local literature writing communities consist mostly of elementary and middle school teachers and that the types of writing are mainly prose essays and children's literature; it also demonstrates the historical process of the formation of Taiwan's county-city literature between 1990 and 2010 according to central government cultural policy and expenses; finally, this thesis discusses county-city literature's characteristics divided according to three subsequent stages.


文建會編著,《文化土壤 接力深耕:文建會二十年紀念集》(台北:文建會,2003)。
