  • 學位論文


Association Between Religion and Self-Rated Health: A Case of Taiwan

指導教授 : 江東亮


背景與目的:臺灣是世界上宗教多樣性第二高的地方,根據調查,八成以上的台灣人自認為有宗教信仰。過去已有多篇文獻探討宗教信仰和健康間的關係,但多數為歐美研究,缺少台灣研究,因此本研究目的為探討台灣宗教信仰、宗教行為與自覺健康的關聯性。 方法:本研究利用「2012 世界價值觀調查-台灣(2010 World Value Survey, Taiwan)」進行次級資料分析,該調查採分層PPS三階段抽樣法,共抽出有效樣本1238人,完訪率23.5%,本研究自變項為宗教信仰及宗教行為,宗教信仰包含了信仰虔誠度以及神明對個人的重要性,並將宗教虔誠度及宗教重要性所得之分數相加,重新編碼成「信仰程度高」及「信仰程度低」。宗教行為分成社會行為如參加團體、前往禮拜場所等,及個人行為如拜拜及禱告等,並將宗教行為及宗教活動所得之分數相加,重新編碼成「宗教行為多」、「只在特別的節日 」及「宗教行為少」。依變項為自覺健康,除以二元羅吉斯複回歸探討宗教與健康的關聯性外,也使用多變項分析探討宗教信仰及宗教行為間的交互作用和自覺健康之間的關係。 結果:研究結果顯示:(1)在單變項部分,自認宗教信仰程度高者佔62.5%,宗教行為多者佔25.3%;(2)在雙變相部分,宗教信仰和自覺健康間的關係趨近顯著(p=0.068),而宗教行為和自覺健康間則未達到顯著水準;(3)以宗教信仰、宗教行為、自覺健康等三變項進行多變項分析後,發現宗教信仰和宗教行為間存在交互作用;(4)在控制了宗教信仰及宗教行為的交互作用變項、性別、年齡、教育程度、居住地、婚姻狀況及自覺社經地位後,宗教信仰、宗教行為和自覺健康狀況的關係均無顯著;(5)在以年齡分層探討後發現,在中年組的部分,宗教信仰高者相較於宗教信仰低者而言,自覺健康狀況較差(p=0.0386),宗教行為多者比起只在特定節日有宗教行為者,同樣擁有較差的自覺健康狀況(p=0.0208)。 結論:在控制了人口學變項後,宗教性和自覺健康的關係會因年齡不同而有不同的影響。 關鍵詞: 宗教、宗教信仰、宗教活動、自覺健康、世界價值觀調查


Background: Taiwan ranks the second highest score on the World Religious Diversity Index. Eighty percent of the Taiwanese people considers themselves as religious. Although numerous studies have been done on the relationship between religious beliefs and health, most of them are focused on Western countries. This study aims to explore the relationship between religious belief, religious behavior, and self-rated health in Taiwan. Methods: The data for this study came from the 2012 World Values Survey-Taiwan. The final sample consisted of 1,238 Taiwanese individuals (response rate of 23.5%). The dependent variable was self-rated health, and the independent variables were religious belief and religious behavior. The control variables included gender, age, education, residence, marital status, and social class. Pearson’s chi-square test and multiple logistic regression were used to examine the relationship between religious belief, religious behavior, and self-rated health. Result: Among the Taiwanese population, 62.5% identified as religious and considered gods as important. A quarter of the population (25.3%) practiced religious behavior more than once a month. Unexpectedly, the crude correlation between religious belief, religious behavior, and self-rated health was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Adding the interaction between religious belief and religious behavior, the results were significant and negatively correlated with self-rated health (p<0.05). However, after introducing the control variables, there was still no significant difference between religious belief, religious behavior, and self-rated health (p>0.05). After stratifying by age, the results showed: (1) for youth (aged 18-39), only the interaction between religious belief and religious behavior appeared significant (p<0.05); (2) for middle-aged individuals (40-59 years), religious belief, religious behavior, and their interaction was associated with self-rated health (p<0.05) (3) for old-aged individuals (60-85 years), religious belief, religious behavior, and their interaction was all not associated with self-rated health (p>0.05). Conclusion: The findings does not support the relationship between religion and self-rated health, but the results show that age may be an interference factor. Keywords: Religion, Religiosity, Self-rated health, Religious belief, Religious behavior, World Values Survey


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