  • 學位論文


Describing the migration course of "shell-less old snail" in their later years

指導教授 : 趙曉芳


「老有所居」這是高齡浪潮中,對於長者居住權利實踐的目標。然而,事實上,在社會的角落中,卻有一群「無殼老蝸牛」正四處流連,不見天日的存在,是他們的現狀,「安居」是他們遙想的未來。 本研究為探討「無殼老蝸牛」(租屋老人)晚年非自願遷居歷程,並從其人生歷程出發,了解過去生命經驗對此遷居後之適應與詮釋的影響,後以將此晚年遷居經歷放到他的生命脈絡討論,拼湊出特殊的生命意義。採用質性研究中的敘事研究方法,透過研究參與者的生命故事,結合研究者的觀察與詮釋,深入刻畫。 主要以立意抽樣方式選取三位研究參與者,皆為男性之租屋長輩,入住現居地已超過三個月,並採用半結構式訪談,分別進行約莫一到兩次之深入訪談,後謄寫為逐字稿,輔以研究者於訪談過程中,所記錄之非口語訊息與筆記資料,採用敘事研究方法中「整體—內容」與「類別—內容」方式進行分析。 本研究發現如下: 一、「無殼老蝸牛」晚年非自願遷居歷程包含以下階段:遷居起源、尋(租)屋困難、資源進駐與適應;其中,不論是處於何一階段,皆為被動、受他人牽制,缺乏自主性,存在濃厚削權無奈之意味。 二、「無殼老蝸牛」過去生命經驗中,往往經歷許多轉捩點,且多屬「被動」受社會環境結構所致,屬負面經驗。而「晚年非自願遷居」同為伴隨結構因素,被迫接受的過程,往昔那些被決定的「改變」所發生的頻率、造成的影響強度,成為他們晚年遷居後適應能量來源與詮釋的角度。 三、「晚年非自願遷居」所隱含的「非自願」與「晚年」為個體於老年階段遭遇生活壓力事件之元素,而「無殼老蝸牛」往往能夠依循生命的韌性,發展出適應的能量,在復原力的體現中,「坦然接受、珍惜所有、知足轉念」將負向的遷居經驗,轉譯成正向意義,留存在他們的生命中。 是以,針對前述研究討論與結果,提出當前對於弱勢老人居住政策的建議與未來相關研究之展望。前者尤從非自願起源與入住後適應出發,於租金補貼、居住福利服務輸送層面與相關居住政策多加著墨,後者則是期許能夠增添更多元觀點,擴延至租賃形態中,所存在的各方關係人與彼此互動,在「無殼老蝸牛」層層的居住困境中,共尋解方。


"Elderly living at home" is the goal of the Right to Adequate Housing for the elderly. However, there is a group of "shell-less old snails" (elderly tenant) lingering around in the corner of society. Living out of sunlight is their situation and "settling down" is their dream. The purpose of this study is to explore the involuntary relocation process of the "old shell-less snail" in his/her later years, and to understand the impact in his/her adaption and interpretation of the relocation based on his/her life experience. Then this study puts it into his/her life context in order to generate a special meaning of life. This study is based on qualitative research methods with a narrative inquiry and analyzes the data using both the participants’ life stories and the researchers' observations and interpretations, which have been deeply characterized. Three research participants were selected by purposive sampling. All of them were elderly men who rented houses and have lived in their current residence for more than three months. Furthermore, semi-structured and in-depth interviews were conducted about one or two times. The recordings were then transformed to interview transcripts, supplemented with non-spoken messages and notes recorded by the researcher during the interview. These were analyzed by the holistic-content and category-content approach from narrative analysis model. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The involuntary relocation process of "old shell-less snails" in their later years includes the following stages: the reason of relocation, difficulties in finding or renting a house, resource entry and adaptation. No matter at which stage, they are passive, restrained by others, and lack of autonomy, which imply a strong sense of helplessness. 2. In the life experience of "old shell-less snails", they often experienced many turning points which were usually negative experiences because of the structure of the social environment. And "involuntary relocation in old age" is also a process that is accompanied by structural factors and forced to accept. The frequency and intensity of those "changes" that they have been through in the past have become the energy source of adaptation and interpretation after their relocation in old age. 3. The concept "involuntary" and "old age" implied by "involuntary relocation in old age" are the elements of an individual's life stressful events in the latter part of normal life. However, "old shell-less snails" are often resilient enough to adapt to the changes and generate energy. In the manifestation of resilience, "calm acceptance, a state of contentment, and optimism" help them transform the negative relocation experience into the positive meaning and then persist in their lives. Therefore, based on the research results, the researchers proposed some recommendations for housing policies, practices, and academic fields. The former, especially from the involuntary relocation origin and after occupancy adaptation, housing policies must place more emphasis on rent subsidy and residential welfare service delivery. The latter is expected to offer more alternative views which extended to the relationships and interaction with each other in the rental form. In this way, the situation will be gradually improved.


王增勇(2011)。以住宅「社會化」對抗貧窮「污名化」。台灣社會研究季刊 ,81,491 -499。
