  • 學位論文


Improving Meta-Learning by Regularized Pre-training

指導教授 : 林軒田


本論文提出一種新的改善元學習在少樣本學習(few-shot learning)的方法。近年 來,元學習方法在少樣本學習有不俗的表現。相比於傳統的遷移式學習因為參數過多容易 過擬和,元學習透過在訓練時模擬測試時的設定,而有較好的泛化效果。在這一兩 年內,一些研究提出透過精細調整遷移式學習的方法,可以達到一樣的泛化效果。更甚者, 有研究提出利用一般遷移式學習中的預訓練參數,可以當成元學習的初始化參數,並達成 更好的學習效果。然而,我們發現這些研究都只是單純把預訓練的權重拿來使用,並且 還是將重心放在元學習的架構調整上,而忽略預訓練改進之潛力。我們透過預訓練正規化在元 學習上達到更快的收斂,在較淺的網路上有更好的收斂結果。並且,我們認為相比元學習 ,預訓練的方法更需要大家去改進。


元學習 預訓練 正規化


This thesis presents a new dimension to improve the meta-learning in the few-shot learning field. In recent years, meta-learning has become one of the best ways to solve few-shot learning tasks. Traditional transfer learning style algorithms would easily overfit in the meta-train dataset and lead to poor performance on the meta-test dataset. However, in these two years, researchers have found that pre-training with some sophisticated fine-tuning may lead to competitive performance with the meta-learning approach. Moreover, utilizing the pre-training classifier weight on the original dataset could improve the meta-learning approach. Furthermore, pre-training is more time-efficient than episodic learning for meta-learning due to the sampling problem. We find that recent years of study mainly focus on the meta-learning part. However, the pre-training part has been less studied. We provide a naive regularization for pre-training with respect to Prototypical Network in the meta-learning stage. It leads to faster convergence speed and competitive performance which is comparable to classical Prototypical Network. The result implies that the classical meta-learning algorithm is good enough and it's possible to transfer some computation burden to the pre-training part.


Meta-Learning Pre-training Regularization


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