  • 學位論文


Personal Protection by Mask Wearing and Primary Clinic Interventions under the Pandemic

指導教授 : 洪一薰




爆發 肺炎 大流行 檢疫 防疫 口罩 診所


Since the outbreak of COVID-19 from the epicenter of China, a global health crisis has spawned to the extent of which the World Health Organization declared the disease as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. Meanwhile, Taiwan also initiated its prevention centered around containment and quarantine. Currently, the situation is still uncertain of whether COVID-19 will disappear in the summer or become a seasonal influenza. This study delves into a preliminary discussion on the pathogens, transmission patterns, screening, and immunity. Since respiratory infectious diseases are mainly transmitted through droplets, facial masks are considered part of the basics in personal protective equipment, and also one of the important nonpharmaceutical interventions. Even though there is no evidence-based research showing that wearing masks can prevent spreading COVID-19 effectively, this study believes that under the period of unknown, universal masking is a relatively good means for prevention. After SARS, the government made changes for the integration of primary care and hospitals, also constructed preventive and monitoring systems in the public health. This pandemic has had a major impact on various industries, including the medical field. Hence, this study shows the efforts and cooperation of the primary clinic, which helped maintain a safe environment, while winning the public's trust by revising their strategies.


outbreak COVID-19 pandemic quarantine interventions mask clinic


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