  • 學位論文


Moon Jae-in Administration’s Policy toward North Korea- Analysis based on “Hedging” (2017-2019)

指導教授 : 周繼祥


本論文研究目的在於,分析文在寅政府的北韓政策是否產生「避險」作用,觀察期間為2017年5月至2019年底。問題意識源於,文在寅政府的北韓政策在解決韓半島問題上的突出表現,此一政策在美國與中國兩個强大國家的霸權競爭裡找到自己的平衡點,並未局限於弱小國家的傳統外交政策。於是,本研究檢驗文在寅政府具有「避險」性質的北韓政策。 本論文主要的研究方法為文獻分析,透過文在寅政府的北韓政策展開和形成過程,觀察此一政策在韓半島問題上起到什麽作用,同時觀察在北韓政策展開的同時,韓國與美國、中國關係變化、經濟交流變化及韓國國内社會對此一政策的反應。 因而,本研究的主要發現如下:第一、文在寅政府的北韓政策在韓半島問題上扮演促進者、行爲者和仲裁者的角色,追求韓半島和平,也就是發揮「避險」的作用。第二、文在寅政府的北韓政策促使韓國與美國、中國在三邊關係上並未偏向一個特定勢力,與這些國家獲得關係上的改善。第三、與美、中兩個强大國家關係的改善,亦促使韓國獲得經濟上的利益。第四、文在寅政府的北韓政策大幅緩和國内的地域感情,導致國民對政府的支持。綜上,文在寅政府的北韓政策並非採行平衡或扈從的傳統理論,而是「避險」,以此帶來給韓國韓半島和平和國家利益。


文在寅政府 北韓政策 避險 平衡 扈從


The purpose of this study is to analyze if the Moon Jae-in administration's policy toward North Korea works as 'Hedging'. The duration of the study is from May 2017 ,with the launch of the Moon administration, to the end of 2019.The reason why this study began working on this is that the Moon's policy had produced spectacular results for Korean peninsula issues. The policy was striking its perfect balance among hyperpowers' hegemony competition, it was not like a policy of a weak state. So this study assumed that the Moon's policy toward North Korea has 'Hedging'. Reference to the literature was a main research method adopted for this case study. The study observed how the Moon's policy affects to Korean peninsula issues through formation and development process of its policy, also analyzed the changes of economic exchanges and Korean society's responses to this policy including the relationship changes among Korea, China and United States. The results are as follows. Firstly, the Moon's policy sought peace on the Korean peninsula as a facilitator, a doer and a mediator for Korean peninsula issues. It is a consequence of 'Hedging'. Secondly, the policy drew to mend fences between the 3 countries by remaining diplomatically impartial. Thirdly, improving relationship with hyperpowers brought an economic benefit for Korea. Fourthly, the policy elicited Korean people's support for the Moon government and also mitigated regionalism in Korea. Therefore, the Moon's policy toward North Korea brought us the Korean peninsula peace and Korean national interests, also contains 'Hedging' not belonging to traditional theory 'Balancing' and 'Bandwagoning'.


葉至誠, 葉立誠(2011),《研究方法與論文寫作》,臺北:商鼎數位出版有限公司。
王簫軻(2019),〈文在寅政府的“兩軸外交”評析〉,《當代韓國》,2019: 1,15-23 。
