  • 學位論文

電子零售平台在新冠病毒疫情下的韌性 -以 Amazon 為例

The Resiliency of Online Retail Platform Providers Under the Global COVID-19 Pandemic - Case Study of Amazon

指導教授 : 陳家麟


電子商務與虛擬通路的型態,逐漸成為今日民生消費的基本面貌。而當提起電子 商務的典範時,大多都會想到美國的電子商務領導者-亞馬遜公司,由於亞馬遜 的線上平台業務成長迅速,需要處理龐大線上客戶資料及商品資料,於是開始建 立龐大的資料中心及伺服器等基礎設施來管理虛擬伺服器及各類的雲端資源,提 供內部各部門及子公司的雲端伺服器服務。然而,這樣看似平穩的發展,再來到 2020 年的春天,因為一場新冠肺炎 (COVID-19),開始埋下整體供應鏈運作不安 定的因子。伴隨著國際經營環境愈趨複雜與各種天災的不可測,一家企業具備供 應鏈韌性的時代已經降臨;本研究之目的,旨在運用現行的資料,推估疫情對於 電子商務零售業者的可能衝擊,並因應該類衝擊,運用供應鏈韌性理論與全球最 大實體零售商 Walmart 之作法,建議 Amazon 的可行之道,值得一提的是,根 據文獻考據與現行可用資料的回顧結果,本研究以能見度、管理彈性、合作管控 作為此波 Amazon 因應肺炎疫情的韌性面向。研究結果顯示,後疫情時代的爆量 需求, Amazon 可充分應用 AWS 的技術應對與預測疫情後的需求,並以 AWS 為戰略工具,強化 Amazon 供應鏈管理中的合作與控管。


Today, e-commerce and online shopping have become an integral part of the consumer market. Most would think of the current leader in the United States, Amazon.com, when it comes to online businesses. In supporting Amazon’s rapid growing online business, the company needed to process online customer data and product information at a massive scale. Amazon hence begun infrastructure investments, such as building large data centers, to manage its virtual and cloud computing resources, in order to facilitate its online services as well as its subsidiaries. In Spring of 2020, however, the coronary pneumonia (COVID-19) has brought uncertainty to the stability of the overall supply chain operations. With the increasing complexity of the international business environment and unpredictability of various natural disasters, the era of Supply Chain Resilience businesses has come. Based on the data available at this stage of the virus outbreak, the purpose of this study is to estimate how the epidemic impacts e-commerce retailers; and in response to such impacts, using supply chain resilience theories together with the practices of Walmart, the largest physical retailer world-wide, suggests a feasible approach for Amazon to continue in this new era of Supply Chain Resilience. The research shows that Amazon could fully leverage its AWS technological advantages to respond and predict the explosive demand post-epidemic, and utilize its AWS as a strategic tool to strengthen cooperation and control in Amazon's supply chain management.


Amazon Walmart Online-retail Supply Chain Resiliency Covid-19


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