  • 學位論文


Cultures In and Out of the Archive: The Criminal Writings of Xingke Tiben in Late Imperial China

指導教授 : 陳熙遠


中國清代檔案裡的常民,是士人筆下遺忘的一群人,史家眼裡無聲的沙粒。刑科題本隸屬於清代官方檔案,記錄了重大命案發生、審理和判決的過程。作為一個時代的歷史載體,其所開啟的視野是方方面面的。卓有聲譽的東西史學家們,從法制史、婦女史、常民文化乃至社會生活的角度,挖掘埋藏在死亡背後的瑰寶。由日常、死亡和暴力拼湊而成的畫面,承載著人們對於歷史的諸多想像。相較於博物館珍藏的稀有寶物,以歷史瑰寶來譬喻刑科題本的價值,乍看似乎有些突兀。然而對於小歷史的探勘者,在微縮資料的頁面反覆瀏覽之際,找尋的是如沙漠之花的珍寶。一旦旅程開啟,檔案深處的探勘與複勘行動,希冀重拾那些被遺忘的沉默之聲。 本研究從刑案書寫的視野,探討刑科題本從零到有的文字生產過程。大清律例|儒家倫理|刑案書寫,這三者之間怎麼適當的連結,從寫作之初就要縝密構思與籌劃。程式和套語是紙上築室的重要關鍵。程式和套語的存在,與圖說律例的相關出版品,目的都在協助完成司法文書的內容。值得注意的是,由於刑案說明部分,運用的語言並非一般慣用的術語,而是如文字濾鏡般排除了某些顏色,引導讀者從道德觀點做出審斷。亦即,從某些特定的成分或色彩,掌握畫面製作成預期的生活圖像。因此以攝影裝置「濾鏡」的功能,比喻這些社會的重大犯罪記錄,不失為極佳的理解之道。 清代刑科題本的書寫活動,並非獨立於社會整體與思想文化而運作,是由許多人與多種活動共同完成。當時參與官方文書製作的每個人,或是此一檔案知識生產的每一個環節,並非絕對獨立或隔絕於外在世界。相較於傳統研究觀點,將檔案視為設定了功能與職責,屬於封閉式制度下的官方文書產物。本書旨在闡釋,人們如何彈性地運用程式和套語,文字背後不可見的思維和選擇,才是最重要的關鍵所在。題本的刑案書寫受到衝突利益影響,與其說是展現社會正義的最終果實,倒不如視為面向大清皇權的紙上展演。 本書將題本轉化成為文本(texts),結合不同類型的史料進行討論,藉此開啟嶄新的學術視野。題本的刑案書寫,必須區別文字表面和文化深層的差異,後者如儒家傳統的潛移默化和社會集體認知,才是促使讀者掌握箇中真諦的根源。從程式如何旅行的角度,對照日用類書、訟師秘本、公案文學等,希冀掌握程式穿梭其間的微妙變化。從通俗作品與刑科題本的相互滲透性,思考檔案裡外之文化如何流動與對話,藉此理解刑案書寫文化。最後從日常生活側面,捕捉人生一瞬的小歷史畫面。尤其著重於婦女的日常生活片斷,從供詞裡透露的蛛絲馬跡,重新省思中國婦女的沉默之聲。


The Routine Memorials to the Ministry of Justice of the Grand Secretariat (Xingke Tiben) belongs to the official archive of Qing Dynasty, and it has recorded significant events of murder, as well as the judiciary procedures by which the cases were investigated and judged. As the conveyer of history for a particular era, it opens up multiple perspectives for us to see into the cultural context of the time. Outstanding historians from the East and West, based on the disciplines of legal system, women ’s history, and everyday life, have contrived to explore the meanings behind these cases. The pictures consisted of daily life, death, and violence carry and inspire our imagination about the history of that period. For those explorers seeking significance from trivialized and fragmented historical facts, Xingke Tiben helps them embark on a new journey, and offers the possibilities of viewing and reviewing the cases enlisted with the hope to excavate what has long been lost and forgotten. Formulating penalty system and positioning etiquette system are two sides of the same coin in Chinese culture. Criminal writings of any period are not only part of the penalty system, but also negative expressions of the etiquette system. As a historical writing about crime and punishment, this research aims at providing a new understanding of Xingke Tiben, in view of the culture of criminal writings. To begin with, this is a genre of criminal writings. Since it is an embodiment of official documentation, judiciary system, and formula combination, it has become highly valuable for historical observations. In addition, as it concerns serious events and lawsuits related to human lives, and is often regarded as a precious archive of official documents of Qing Dynasty, almost every case in it contains the gazing of the royal authority. Henceforth, criminal writings of fixed models can be found frequently. Writing styles and approaches of this kind have become a necessary evil. The main question of this research is to deal with the issue: how to fix or modify the style of criminal writings. Since the term ‘formula’ is mentioned in the official documents of both Ming and Qing Dynasty, this research will explore the role of this concept, as well as its significance. The true purpose of ‘Formula’ can only be seen when it is fitted into the context of daily life; meanwhile, particular social conditions and historical presumptions exist within the different models of daily life context - fitting. Xingke Tiben cannot be isolated from the social and cultural entities in which it was created. It relates closely to the judiciary system and popular publications . Therefore, this research is also built on the ground of a formulated journey, comparing and contrasting different texts such as daily references, lawyers’ documents, and legal literature with the aim of grasping the vivid shifts between them. Through the intertextuality of popular publications and Xingke Tiben, this thesis examines how dialogues between cultures inside and outside of the archive can be formed, so as to clarify the culture of criminal writings in late imperial China. Traditionally, researchers have regarded archives as official documents produced within an enclosed social system that are endowed with fixed purposes and responsibilities. Nevertheless, this research explains how the criminal writings compiled within Xingke Tiben are deeply affected by the conflicts of profit or benefit; they do not only show the final results of social justice, but also display the royal powers of Qing Dynasty. Eventually, criminal writings, driven by crime and punishment, are just like presentations / performances on the stage.


Xingke Tiben Criminal Writings Paper House Formula Cliché Gender


檔 案
1. 中國人民大學清史研究所、檔案系和中國政治制度史教研室合編,《康雍乾時期城鄉人民反抗鬥爭資料》,北京:中華出版,1979。
2. 中國第一歷史檔案館,中國社會科學院歷史研究所編,《清代土地占有關係與佃農抗租鬥爭》,北京:中華書局,1988。
3. 中國第一歷史檔案館,中國社會科學院歷史研究所編,《清代地租剝削形態》,北京:中華書局,1982。
4. 中國第一歷史檔案館編,《乾隆朝上諭檔》,北京:檔案出版社,1991。
