  • 學位論文


A Study of the Trade Secret and the Business Management System

指導教授 : 謝銘洋


本文主要探討企業管理制度與我國營業秘密保護的關係。我國營業秘密法所保護的營業秘密,需符合三個要件,分別是秘密性、經濟價值與合理保密措施,三個要件皆要符合始能受營業秘密法保護,而其中的合理保密措施,其判斷要件之一為依企業規模大小、人力、物力個案判斷保密措施是否符合要件,而此判斷要件與企業管理活動息息相關;關於企業是否建立智慧財產管理制度或是營業秘密管理制度以保護營業秘密,由企業視其策略而定,而自2020年法規修訂後,智慧財產管理已成為公司治理的架構內容之一,對公開發行的公司而言,智慧財產管理已是企業管理系統的一部分,因此本文透過整理個案公司的營業秘密管理制度,以了解目前企業界應用營業秘密管理的實際情況,並透過分析營業秘密訴訟案件,以了解企業採取管理系統的有無,對於訴訟結果的影響。 本文共六章,第一章為問題意識與緒論,主要敘述研究的動機與我國營業秘密法制定與保護要件的說明;第二章主要說明我國法院對營業秘密保護三要件,秘密性、經濟價值與合理保密措施的判斷依據;如上述,因智慧財產管理與風險管理已成為我國公司治理架構的內容之一,故第三章為說明目前企業管理制度的趨勢與其內容;第四章則是針對營業秘密管理系統或是智慧財產管理系統於企業界的應用情況進行說明,根據所整理的個案公司情況觀之,營業秘密管理系統於企業的採用,並無一通用的制度或系統,全視企業管理需求而定;第五章主要分析我國營業秘密訴訟案件與管理系統間的關係,依據本文的分析,企業採取管理系統,對於訴訟結果是有幫助的;第六章為結論與未來研究方向。


The aim of this thesis is to study the relationship between the management system and the trade secret protection in business. The three elements of trade secrets in Taiwan’s Trade Secrets Act are secrecy, economic value and reasonable measures. For the element of reasonable measures, its requirements are depended by the scale, the size of the business which is highly relative to the management activities of the business. For the business, whether to adopt the management system within the organization to protection trade secrets of the organization is decided by the integral management strategy of the business. In Taiwan, since the relative rules of the corporate governance are revised in 2020, the IP management has become the part of the corporate governance and for the public companies to adopt the IP management is required. Therefore, this study is to search the relationship between the management system and the trade secret protection in business by to analysis the trade secret trials and to study the collected cases of the business companies. According to the study of this thesis, the business to adopt the management system is benefit for the trail result in the trade secret trial. In practical, there is no one good practice for the IP or the trade secret management for the business, the IP or the trade secret management is diverse, because the management strategy of the business is also diverse.


