  • 學位論文


The Impact of the Implementation of New Revenue Accounting Standards on Earnings Management

指導教授 : 林修葳




On July 5, 2017, the Chinese Ministry of Finance issued "accounting standards for enterprises No. 14 - revenue", which regulated companies have listed both in domestic and aboard markets shall enter into force the standard on January 1, 2018. But actually, the time point when these companies start to implement the new revenue accounting standards is different, which is distributed between January and August 2018. Taking the implementation of the new income standards in the first quarter of 2018 as the criterion, this paper divides enterprises list both in domestic and aboard markets into treatment group and control group, and studies the effect of earnings management generated by policy implementation by using the double difference method. In addition, in order to judge whether the implementation time is an active choice for the purpose of earnings management, this paper studies the correlation between the motivation of earnings management and the degree of earnings management. The results show that the degree of earnings management decreases after the implementation of the the new revenue accounting standards, but this decline is not caused by the policy. The implementation of the new income standards has no significant impact on the earnings management of enterprises. On the other hand, enterprises do not make policy choices for earnings management motivation, otherwise the decide is affected by the industry and audit firm.


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