  • 學位論文

企業社會責任 (CSR) 做為一種差異化戰略從商業延伸至消費市場: 以 A公司芳香業務為例

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Practices as a Differentiation Strategy in the Business to Consumer Market: Evidence from A Company Fragrance Business

指導教授 : 陳峙維
共同指導教授 : 韓廷允(Jung-Yun Han)


本研究採用單一個案研究作為研究方法,以A公司為研究對象。在台灣的A公司以實踐企業社會責任(CSR)作為其擴展商業運作到自有品牌生產之差異化戰略。台灣作為消費電子產品、高科技、高規格消費產品原始設備/原始設計製造(OEM / ODM)最重要地區之一,雖然台灣企業在供應鏈的互相連接、及時生產、以及精益運營方面樹立了典範,但在工廠及實驗室外,仍必需要付出更多心力打造更強大的品牌,以致於吸引消費者的心,並在企業對顧客(B2C)市場增加其市佔率。由於在品牌及通路方面缺乏下游結構以及整體戰略,具有高效上游流程的OEM / ODM在轉型成為自有品牌生產(OBM)時,遇到更巨大的挑戰。 A公司是一家擁有25年曆史的台灣本地原始設備/原始設計製造商(OEM / ODM),專門從事香料及清新劑產品。它是全球企業對企業(B2B)香水清新劑市場的主導者,並且在過去三年中,一直致力於開發自己的B2C品牌。地方政府和媒體將其視為「小巨人」(Bo Burlingham在他的同名開創性著作中創造了一個名詞),A公司深根於社區中,並受一套獨特可持續的價值觀所支配,使其在市場上與其他企業社會責任(CSR)的競爭對手有所區別。隨著A公司往OBM途徑擴展,這些內在且溝通良好的CSR實踐對A公司而言,在其產品及打造品牌差異化的過程中,具有實際意義。 先前的營銷研究一致強調企業社會責任實踐在建立強大品牌及創造品牌價值方面之重要性及優點,尤其是當企業社會責任戰略應用於所有內部流程並有效地傳達給消費者時。 Feng,Yoon及He於2016年已發覺,企業社會責任實踐在治理及社會領域上,對全球前100名品牌的品牌價值創造具有重大影響。本研究透過全面分析當前的品牌定位和核心CSR做法,建議A公司將CSR實踐作為差異化戰略,以OEM / ODM為過渡期,進而攻略本地及國際B2C市場。


This research is a case study focusing on corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices as a differentiation strategy for company A to expand business operations into original brand manufacturing. Taiwan is one of the foremost powerhouses for original equipment / original design manufacturing (OEM/ODM) of consumer electronics and other high-tech, high-spec consumer products. While Taiwanese enterprises have led exemplary models for interconnected supply chain, just-in-time production, and lean operations, they struggle outside of the factories and engineering labs to build strong brands that can capture consumer hearts and a large share of the business to consumer (B2C) market. OEM/ODMs with efficient upstream processes face immense challenges in transitioning to original brand manufacturing (OBM) due to the lack of downstream structures and overall strategy in branding and channeling. Company A is a twenty-five-year-old, local Taiwanese original equipment / original design manufacturer (OEM/ODM) specialized in fragrance and freshener products. It is a dominant player in the global business to business (B2B) fragrance freshener market and, for the past three years, has focused on developing its own B2C brand. Recognized by the local government and media as a small giant – a term coined by Bo Burlingham in his groundbreaking book of the same name, Company A is deeply rooted in the community and is governed by a unique set of sustainable values that sets it apart from competitors in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). These intrinsic and well communicated CSR practices hold practical implications for Company A in product and brand differentiation as it expands to OBM. Previous studies in marketing have unanimously highlighted the important benefits of CSR practices in building strong brands and creating brand values, especially when CSR strategies are applied across all internal processes and communicated effectively to consumer. Feng, Yoon, and He in 2016 have identified CSR practices particularly in the governance and social domains to have significant impact on brand value creation for the top 100 global brands. By thoroughly analyze the current brand positioning and core CSR practices, this paper proposes for company A to use CSR practices as a differentiation strategy to transition from OEM/ODM and attack the local and international B2C markets.


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