  • 學位論文


Master of Public Health Degree Program College of Public Health National Taiwan University Master Thesis ─ Practicum Report Study on Health Risk Assessment Mechanisms: The Gatekeeper of Food Safety

指導教授 : 陳家揚


食品安全一直是我國近年來的重大公共衛生議題。從最初的毒奶粉三聚氰胺事件,塑化劑、工業原料混充食用等等,專業食品技術已然無法為食品做更有效和更安全的把關。在開始生產製造之前,對於可能發生的危害進行評估,這就是「風險」的概念。 本人為食品營養本科背景,於實習過程中參與數次委員辦公室舉辦之公聽會,瞭解立法前的必須程序,落實公民參與政策之意見表達的權利與執行狀況;研究我國現有之食品安全相關法規與機構,後續探討國外與國內現行制度的差異比較,認為成立獨立風險評估機構可提升民眾對政府政策的信任度,以及納入公共衛生師作為民眾對政府政策信任的中立形象,更完整公開資訊以提升透明程度。藉由將公衛師導入校園,維護校園衛生與強化疫調能力,並協助營養師管控食安風險,同時建議增設獨立風險評估機關,將其獨立於衛福部,落實國民食品安全與校園營養等基本健康權利。


Food safety has always been a major public health issue in recent years. Professional food technology has been unable to make food more effective and safer. We should assess the possible hazards before the production and this is the concept of risk. This report discussed the differences in food safety prevention between the current foreign and domestic systems to incidents from happening. I majored in food and nutrition with a bachelor degree; after I participating in several public hearings held by legislator Wu’s office during the practicum, I learned the needed procedures before legislation, how to implement the rights of citizens to participate in the expression of policy opinions and the implementation status. It is believed that the establishment of an independent risk assessment agency can increase the public’s trust in government policies. Discussions of the differences between foreign and domestic current systems, and the inclusion of public health professionals as a neutral image of public trust in government policies on increasing information transparency. By introducing public health specialists into schools care can strengthen epidemic response capabilities, and assist dietitian with managing food safety risks in school, it is also recommended to establish an independent risk assessment agency of food safety from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, therefore improve civil rights of health could be improved.


food safety risk assessment school nutrition


1. EFSA食品安全白皮書,2000年,檢自: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/health_consumer/library/pub/pub06_en.pdf
2. EFSA網站,檢自 http://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/aboutefsa/efsawhat.htm
3. Regina E. Lundgren, Andrea H. McMakin, Risk Communication: A Handbook for Communicating Environmental, Safety, and Health Risks, 6th Edition, 2018, 6-26。
4. 民眾十大關心議題 國研院調查:最關心食品造假、標示不實,天下雜誌 ,2019年11月14日,檢自https://www.cw.com.tw/article/5097677
5. 立法院公報,「校園午餐規範法制化及建立完善制度」公聽會會議紀錄,第108 卷第20 期教育及文化委員會會議紀錄。
