  • 學位論文


Diffraction Calculation and Phase Modulation Optimization of Transparent OLED Display Background Image

指導教授 : 林晃巖


顯示器與我們的生活息息相關,從最初的黑白顯示器、彩色顯示器到高清顯示器、曲面顯示器,顯示技術在不斷進步的同時,也滿足了人們對於顯示技術日益嚴苛的需求。透明顯示器作爲一種新型顯示技術,可以完成普通顯示技術無法完成的任務,即在觀看顯示器所顯示的內容時,也可以看到顯示器後的資訊。全面屏手機是這幾年手機產品的一大熱點,而要真正實現全面屏,最主要的在於解決前置攝像頭如何隱藏的問題,而使用透明顯示器,可將攝像頭隱藏在透明顯示器下方,當不使用前置攝像頭時,透明顯示器顯示手機內容,實現全屏顯示,當使用前置攝像頭時,透明顯示器不顯示手機內容,呈透明狀態,攝像頭可以透過透明顯示器進行拍攝。 目前常見的透明顯示器為OLED透明顯示器,設計原理是將畫素集中排列,而沒有畫素的地方使用透明材料,使觀看者可以透過透明顯示器觀看到顯示器後的影像。不透光的畫素為週期性排列,因此光透過透明顯示器時會產生繞射,亮度變暗,導致後景影像品質下降。本論文的目標首先是建立一個演算法,經由數學軟體能夠快速且精確的演算出後景影像在經過透明顯示器後的成像結果與品質的評估。接著設計一繞射光學元件,利用零階繞射強度比、SFR曲線與10%~90% rise distance等影像評估方式判斷影像通過此光學元件後是否提高了成像品質。最後通過印製類面板與使用空間光調制器SLM進行實驗驗證,確認模擬的可行性。期許本研究在未來能實際應用於改善透明顯示器的繞射。


The display is closely related to our lives. Chronologically, from the first black-and-white display, color display, high-definition display, and to curved screen display, the display technology meets increasingly stringent requirements from users. The transparent display technology can accomplish tasks which ordinary display technology cannot complete alone. While watching the contents of the display panel, contents behind the display can be seen as well. Full-screen mobile phones have been a hot spot for mobile phone products in recent years. To truly achieve full-screen, the most important thing is to solve the problem of how to hide the front camera. With a transparent display, the camera can be hidden under the transparent display. When the front camera is not used, the transparent display displays the content of the phone to achieve full screen display. When the front camera is used, the transparent display do not display the content of the mobile phone and is in a transparent state, and the camera can shoot through the transparent display. One of the most common transparent display is the OLED transparent display. The design principle is to concentrate the pixels in a certain area, and the areas withouts pixels are made to be the transparent part of the display. However due to the periodic nature of the display structure, diffraction phenomenon occurs as lights passes through the panel, causing the blur in the background image. The goal of this thesis is to first establish an algorithm that can quickly and accurately calculate the imaging results and quality evaluation of the background image after passing through the transparent display through mathematical software. Then design a diffractive optical element, and judge whether the image quality is improved using SFR curve and 10%~90%rise after the image passes through this optical element. Finally, the experimental verification was carried out through the printed panel and the spatial light modulator to confirm the feasibility of the simulation. It is hoped that this research will be practically applied to improve the diffraction of transparent displays in the future.


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