  • 學位論文


Beyond Environmental Justice: Entanglements of Environmental Activists, the State, and the Residents in Dalinpu Relocation Policy

指導教授 : 劉仲恩


有別於常見的反迫遷土地運動,大林蒲居民在2017年政府民調中,呈現高達九成的遷村贊成率,本研究主要回答九成遷村民調贊成率的成因。既有研究多以環境保護、對抗污染的角度切入大林蒲,在地需求、關懷、情感與社會脈絡等卻被概括為「受污染的在地居民」、或成為輔助環境正義論述的客體,然如此卻忽視居民間的異質性,與其對污染事實的差異想像。 本研究透過微觀視角檢視遷村想望的在地起源與變遷,並討論紅毛港遷村案對大林蒲人的影響;接著分析畢ye高雄城市發展政策,指出二十一世紀的高市府仍延續1970年代國民黨政府的開發主義,而在地環境運動者與外來環境團體在反開發的環保訴求下,建構出大林蒲環境不正義敘事,然透過田野調查,卻發現環境正義與反開發運動並非在地日常關懷,反而,1990年代中期至今,在地居民更與周遭工廠發展出近二十年相對穩定的共處關係,顯然單一的環境正義敘事並無法解釋高度遷村民調贊成率之成因,遷村意願更是鑲嵌於地方歷史經濟脈絡中,並受到多方行動者與宏觀政策發展的影響。 本研究發現,大林蒲遷村政策在民調中呈現的高贊成率,主要奠基於內部因素上,並受到外部因素的強化:內部因素為紅毛港遷村案為當地帶來的深刻影響,外部因素則為近代城市發展政策下,加諸於高雄西南沿海地區的居住推力,而內部因素更是在地居民視遷村為最終依歸的主要原因,反而,原旨在追求環境保護的環境不正義敘事,卻為政府與偏好遷村者所策略性挪用,以賦予遷村政策推動的正當性。


Dalinpu is a seaside village surrounded by heavy industries by the Kaohsiung Harbor. Whilst the media often portrays Dalinpu as polluted place that nobody would stay, the “pollution victims” as they say, the local residents have lived relatively in harmony with adjacent factories in the past twenty to thirty years. In a survey conducted by the Kaohsiung City Government in 2017, Dalinpu reported a nearly 90 percent approval rating for relocating the entire community. The study aims to explain why local residents support relocation policy to uproot themselves from their homes. Different from current research provided mostly by outside researcher, I, as someone born and raised in the community, take a local perspective to conduct in-depth interviews and participant observation to understand the views from the local people, especially from those not represented in previous research and media report. My fieldwork lasted from January to July 2021. I also use extensive archival data to trace the historical and political contexts of the relocation. My main findings are as the following. First, the poll results should be understood far beyond the experiences as the pollution victims. Dalinpu residents draw experiences and memories from the nearby Hongmaogang, a village socially and geographically connected for hundred years but eventually relocated. The Hongmaogang relocation case shows that it could be an option for Dalinpu as well. That is, for some Dalinpu residents, the relocation policy in 21st century is not a new idea but a long-term wish to come true. The Kaohsiung city development policies also shape local resident’s willingness as an external factor. Since 1970s onward, Dalinpu is subject to continual industrial development with heavy industries such as China Steel, Taipower, CPC Corporation and hundreds of smaller companies. Such development trajectory further deteriorates the quality of lives, and thus strengthens the expectation of “leaving/abandoning” the place as an option. The study also shows that there is a cognitive gap between local residents and outsiders for the schema regarding environmental issues. Amidst serious air pollution, many local residents even develop a co-existing lifestyle with adjacent industries in light of industries’ good-neighbour policies and interpersonal relations. In the 2010s, some environmental NGOs and local activists constructed the environmental injustice narrative to pursue environmental protection in the anti-development movements. Later on, the narrative was tactfully used by government and pro-relocation residents to legitimise and accelerate relocation policy process. As a result, in the private discussions regarding relocation, pollution was rarely mentioned and people show little concern; in the public conversations, pollution was cited as the main driver for the city to relocate the community.


