  • 學位論文


The Impact of the Codex Alimentarius on Taiwan’s Food Safety Regulations

指導教授 : 吳全峰


於我國《憲法》當中基本國策之章節,強調應普遍推行衛生保健,促進民族之健康;並由歷年之國家發展計畫中,皆可知悉我國積極將食品安全與衛生之保障納為主要發展方針之一,不難看出台灣對於食安之重視。然在全球化之發展下,國際食品供應鏈對於我國食安之影響,不單限於食品、食品添加物、食品容器及包裝等之原料、半成品與成品,更可能透過國際具有高度共識之各項食品標準、準則以及指引等,直接或間接影響國內消費者的食品安全,動搖我國之監管規範。特別是食品法典委員會所制定之食品法典,因為世界貿易組織之附帶協定所採納,WTO成員進行食品貿易時,便負擔須以食品法典為規範基礎之義務,違反之成員可能須承擔WTO所建構之爭端訴訟及貿易制裁,遂奠定食品法典委員會成為在國際當中食品安全領域的影響權威。 因此,本論文欲採用文獻探討法以及案例分析,了解食品法典於普世性之影響效力,並探討食品法典於我國法制層面之系統性及個案性影響。再透過歷史研究法,鎖定《食品安全衛生管理法》為中心,回溯我國食品安全規範之發展歷程,梳理歷次修法源由,進行歸納並分類,了解在內國法化調和與實踐下,食品法典對於《食安法》之影響與影響程度。而研究結果顯示,我國《食安法》分別於1997年、2000年、2008年、2013年以及2014年,以須參酌、基於或是應符合食品法典作為修法之緣由,並加以實踐,直接或間接在《食安法》之制定宗旨、制定原則與監管範疇上形成改變。最後,參酌他國之調和措施與戰略計畫,對於食品法典與內國法規範互動,可能出現之缺失,包含貿易自由化與消費者健康保障間的失衡、產業從屬性,以及經常缺乏非已開發國家參與,提出適當之建議,希望有助於提升我國之食品安全在法、政之健全。


According to Taiwan’s Constitution, food safety, as an important component of national health, is regarded as a national priority. National policy and strategy on food safety have been developed and implemented over decades. However, globalization, which is resulting in a lengthening food chain and harmonized international standards and guidelines, has greatly increased the complexity of the challenges for food safety regulations in Taiwan. One of the challenges Taiwan faces is the rise of the Codex Alimentarius, a collection of international food safety standards that have been adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) and proved an important reference point for the dispute settlement mechanism of the World Trade Organization (WTO). This thesis aims to analyze, through literature review and legal analysis, whether the CAC and the Codex Alimentarius influenced the amendment process of Taiwan’s food safety regulations (including the Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation), whether there are confounding factors other than the Codex Alimentarius influence the process, and how these influences affect Taiwanese government’s decisions. After reviewing the Act amendments in 1997, 2000, 2008, 2013, and 2014, this thesis finds out that in some cases the government used the pursuit for harmonization with the Codex Alimentarius as a justification to defend its proposed amendments. However, incorporation Codex Alimentarius into domestic law also caused food safety challenges, such as conflicts between trade liberalization and consumer protection, and inappropriate industrial influence. Taiwan’s absence in the decision-making process of Codex Alimentarius also complicates the harmonization issue. To solve these challenges, other countries’ experiences and strategies are explored and analyzed.


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