  • 學位論文


A Study of the Formulation of “The Learning of Mind” in the School of Zhuxi

指導教授 : 鍾彩鈞




朱子學 心學 心法 十六字


In this dissertation, the author maintained that to characterize the School of Zhuxi as “心學” (The Learning of Mind), was neither a result of an orientation of the School of Zhuxi to the Learning of Mind, nor an adoption of the invention of some modern scholars with specific intentions. This usage was due to a series of historical facts which originated in the Late Southern Song Dynasty. As for its contents, it took the Sixteen-Character teaching “人心惟危,道心惟微。惟精惟一,允執厥中” (The mind of man is insecure. The mind of Way is barely perceptible. Have utmost refinement and singleness of mind. Hold fast the Mean.) and “敬” (reverence) as basic teachings. For this reason, this dissertation regards “Learning of Mind” in the School of Zhuxi as “心法之學” (the Learning of the Method of Cultivation of Mind) in “以傳心為傳道之學” (the teaching of transmitting the Way in terms of transmitting the Mind). In addition to the discovery that the rising of the Learning of Mind as the transmission of Mind probably resulted from the political principle of “祖宗之法” (Ancestors’ Instructions) specific to Song dynasty, the author also discussed theoretical constructions and variations of interpretations of the Sixteen-Character teaching and reverence among Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi, Hu An-guo and his sons, as well as Zhu Xi. The significance of the method of cultivation of in the Confucian orthodoxy and theory of self-cultivation will be clarified throughout the above comparative study. Furthermore, for the purpose of ascertainment of positions and connotations of “道學” (Learning of Moral Way) and “性理之學” (Learning of Nature and Principle), the author proposed observations from philosophical and historical investigations, which provided new ideas to the present studies. In sum, the aim of the present study is to reconstruct the dynamic process of development of Zhu Xi’s Theory of Mind and discover its significance, which, I hope, might throw new light on directions of future studies.


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