  • 學位論文


The Practice of Right of the Child to Be Heard:A Preliminary Study of the Viewpoints From Members of Central Children and Youth Delegation in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳毓文


2021年,臺灣第一屆中央兒少代表組成,透過「兒少進入成人會議提案」的機制來實踐CRC第12條兒少表意權,然此方式有別於國際上以兒童為主體來組成兒童議會之形式,因此透過文獻探討臺灣兒少公共參與之社會脈絡,以及香港與法國之兒童議會情形。本研究從中央兒少代表之視角,來理解兒少在家庭、學校、社區等生活環境實踐表意權之處境;任職縣市與中央兒少代表之角色期待、推動政策心得;最後探討中央兒少代表機制落實兒少表意權之觀察與建議。 本研究採用立意抽樣,並以焦點團體法做為資料收集方法,訪談25位第一屆中央兒少代表,考量彼此的人際熟識度與話語權差異將受訪者分為4組。以主題分析法分析訪談資料後發現:中央兒少代表生活處境反映出臺灣兒少表意權的多面向交織性;兒少代表機制衝撞成人體制,但也帶來反作用力;中央兒少代表機制為臺灣兒少表意權帶來的希望與誤解。 臺灣兒少表意權落實其實並非兒少沒有能量,而是整體社會氛圍尚未能建立讓全體兒少表意的友善環境,以及成人所建立之教育與政府體制整體結構並未準備就緒。因此本研究建議:(一)提供多元兒少表意機制管道;(二)提升公務體系人員對兒童享有主體性之意識;(三)落實真正以兒少為主體的會議機制;(四)兒少代表的表意權無須「培力」,應是從旁「協力」。本研究作為臺灣透過兒少代表機制落實CRC兒少表意權之階段性反思,故於文末提出未來研究之建議。


In 2021, the first Central Children and Youth Delegation (CCYD) was established in Taiwan, which was to enforce Article 12 (the right of the child to be heard) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Instead of setting up the Children’s Council, in which only children are members of council meetings, the CCYD in Taiwan should participate in meetings hosted by adults, and bring up voices and interests of children they represent. Since this format is quite unique, this study attempts to understand how it works, and whether this can be a good way of implementing the right of the child to be heard. This research starts with a review of related literature discussing the social context of children’s involvement in public policies, and summarizes the role of Children’s Council in Hong Kong and France. Then it tries to understand the experiences of the CCYD representatives in Taiwan, how such experiences are situated when facing the expectations from their parents, teachers, and adults in the community. Finally, this study attempts to understand their expectations towards their roles as CCYD representatives, and their experiences in advocating policies related to children’s interests. It is hoped that suggestions to better the current situation can be proposed. The participants of this research were selected through a purposive sampling method. A total of 25 CCYD representatives agreed to participate in this study. Focus group interviews were conducted to collect data. The 25 representatives were divided into four groups according to their interpersonal relationships and their different discourse power when serving as a representative. The data were analyzed via a thematic analysis method. This research concludes that the situations of the CCYD representatives reveal the intersectionality of multi-dimensions of their living situation. They have to fight against the system constructed by adults, yet at the same time, to bear the reaction bounced back by their fight. The CCRD gives children some hope to change, as well as some misunderstanding of the right to be heard. In Taiwan, the challenge to implement the right of the child to be heard comes from the lack of a supportive environment for children. The educational and governmental systems were not ready to believe that children are capable of participating in decisions affecting their lives. Based on the findings, this study concludes with three suggestions: 1) we should provide various mechanisms for children to be heard. 2) We need to educate adults, especially those who are making policies related to children, to be able to respect children’s voices. 3) Consider establishing a Children’s Council that provides a supportive environment for children to express and advocate. 4) We don’t need to empower or help them to be a qualified representative, but to be their supporters.


CRC資訊網(2021)。兒童權利公約大事記。取自:https://crc.sfaa.gov.tw/crc_front/index.php?action=content uuid=69b84170-899e-46f4-a7e2-c84724414216
CRC資訊網。聯合國文書CRC一般性意見_中文版。取自: uuid=5344af55-d148-4dd6-946a-412af8f41afc
Laura Lundy(2018)。CRC§12兒童被傾聽及意見獲考量的權利。取自:http://www.goodshepherd.org.tw/chtw/%e5%ae%a3%e5%b0%8e%e8%b3%87%e6%96%99/%e6%9b%b8%e7%b1%8d%e8%88%87%e5%bd%b1%e7%89%87
