  • 學位論文


The Case Study of Eremitism in Jiangnan during the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty: Zhang Hu, Fang Gan, Lu Gui-Meng

指導教授 : 陳弱水




中晚唐 隱逸 隱士 張祜 方干 陸龜蒙


Generally speaking, “Eremitism” and “Official” are a set of relative concepts. The so-called “Eremitism” depends on the fact that they do not serve the government while living an eremitic life. However, there are two groups, one for the sake of position in government, the other for the sake of Eremitic life style yet officers, declare they are Eremite. One group deliberately hidden in the scenic spots near the capital to gain fame, and consequently get the position. This behavior be known as Zhongnan Jiejin. The other group who interested in landscape though have the position, painstakingly take care of their garden which named official eremitism. For the first behavior, some authors declaim it as fake one which should not be treated as eremitism from Xin Tang Shu Yin Yi Lie Zhuan (Ou Yang-Xiu, Song Qi, 1060). For the second one, according to the criterion of eremitism, hermit should not be officer, those who pursue the living style of hermit yet are officers should not be in the scale of eremitism. Therefore, both would not be discussed in this paper. This paper would focus on the analyst of the phenomenon of eremitism in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty. After defining the meaning of Eremitism, taking Zhang Hu, Fang Gan, Lu Gui-Meng as examples, this paper tries to delicately explain the living style and features for different type of eremitism in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty.


