  • 學位論文


An Empirical Research on CPBL Spectators’ Usage Intention of Augmented Reality

指導教授 : 林怡秀


由於擴增實境 (Augmented Reality, AR) 已是被許多學者討論的熱門運動科技之一,加上近年來臺灣觀看運動賽事的需求上升,本研究將探討擴增實境於運動產業之應用,並深入研究對於運動觀賽者體驗球賽而言,影響其使用擴增實境意圖之相關因素。本研究採用延伸整合型科技接受模式UTAUT2為基礎,並新增視覺吸引力與個人創新特質兩構面,以過去學者發展健全之量表進行問卷調查法,透過自行剪輯的擴增實境影片讓問卷填答者知悉擴增實境對觀賽者之效用,以觀看過中華職棒的觀賽者為研究對象,讓其觀看完影片後再填答問卷。研究結果顯示:績效預期、付出預期、享樂動機、視覺吸引力與個人創新特質對於觀賽者使用擴增實境來體驗球賽之意圖具正向顯著之影響。


Because Augmented Reality (AR) has been one of the popular topics and sport technology discussed by multiple academic researchers, plus an increase in demand for watching sports games in Taiwan in recent years, the applications of AR in sports industry will be discussed and the relevant factors that affect the intention of using AR to experience sport games on spectators will be explored in this study. This study use UTAUT2 as a theoretical basis, and added Visual Appeal as well as Personal Innovativeness as new constructs. This study adopts survey technique through making self-edited video, based on previous sound scales. The respondents will start to answer the questions after watching the AR introduction video that tell respondents what benefits AR can bring to spectators. The participants are those who have watched CPBL. The results show that Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Hedonic Motivation, Visual Appeal and Personal Innovativeness have the significant impact on the intention of using AR to experience sport games positively.


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